
Oh my god im getting <span title="nervous!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?">nervous!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...</span>

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5 more days and i see my gyno to see whether i have pcos i know everyone says dont be scared or nervous but i am getting nervous on wat they are goin to do :( i have been getting bad period like pains and a very painful lower back for the last 5 weeks which is why the doc thinks i have it and because i have only been getting 2 periods a year for the last 6 years and he looked at my ultrasound from 6 years ago and said there is alot of cysts on my ovaries (i know 6 years ago and they only now find the problem, dont get me started lol). i was talking to a girl the other day who has it and she said she had the very same thing and she had to have an operation coz hers had burst. man its nerve racking has anyone else had this experience?




  1. i had an operation this year Jan to remove cyst as well also to clean my tubes not that it helped me in having a baby but at least I don&#039;t feel that constant pain i used to have. I was nervous but you feel a things only you will realise when they finished its sore for aprox 3days.

  2. Don&#039;t stress. Ok. Polycystic ovaries are different to cysts on the ovaries.

    Cysts are fluid filled sacks that sit on the ovaries. Polycystic ovaries means that you don&#039;t ovulate, and your ovaries become lumpy. The &#039;cysts&#039; from PCOS don&#039;t actually burst. The fluid filled ones can burst.

    Further more, there are things that can be done about PCOS. I totally understand how you feel about the PCOS not being diagnosed for 6 years. Mine went undiagnosed for 10 years since my periods went wonky when i was 16. I just found out after TTC for 1.5 yrs!! That was in April.

    Common treatments for PCOS are: weight loss. a loss of just 5% can get your ovaries back on track. Ovarian Diathermy - burning smalls holes in the ovary, so that it repairs itself and for some (unknown) reason, starts to function normally. Metformin - this helps with insulin resistance, a common accompaniment to PCOS, as well as being overweight. Insulin resistance helps cause a vicious cycle of hormones working and building up the wrong way. Leading to a decrease in girl hormones, and increase in boy hormones, hence the lack of ovulation, and the hirutism (facial hair, hair on chest or tummy etc).

    If you main goal is pregnancy, then provera - to induce a period, and clomid - to cause you to ovulate, can also be used.

    I found out in April that I have PCOS. I started on metformin (as i am also pre diabetic) and lost 10 kgs over the next few months. The doc was about to start me on provera and clomid, but the provera didn&#039;t start my period, because i was already 4 weeks pregnant when i started taking it!!! So don&#039;t worry too much. It&#039;s not the end of the world.

    If your main concern is regular periods, and less pain, then the Pill can usually straighten that stuff out too. (though it doesn&#039;t cure the problem, just hides and manages it).

    They didn&#039;t know as much about it back then as they do now - I keep telling myself every time i think about how stupid my doctor was for not going &#039;hmm, a 16 yr old who has been overweight ALL her life, and who has a family history of PCOS AND endometriosis... i&#039;ll ignore all that and just make sure she&#039;s not lying about being pregnant, and put her on the pill.&#039;

  3. dont worry , everything will be fine , i was diagnosed with pcos 4 years ago , and i just found out im pregnant!!!

    baby due in april

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