
Oh my god oh my god antarctica is melting even in winter is the world gonna end?@!?@@!!?

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Oh my god oh my god antarctica is melting even in winter is the world gonna end?@!?@@!!?




  1. While I have the distinct feeling the answer here is already set, here goes anyway. What scientists are saying, not newspapers and watts pseudo science

    While this isn't a long term record it is one more piece of evidence that from the 1950's Antarctic ice has declined 20%. While any number of denier sites clamor about Antarctica growing the fact is real sites have Antarctic sea ice as pretty much the same since the start of the of the satellite record, given the increase in snow fall in Antarctica due to the warming sea around the continent, which was predicted by scientists a decade ago, although deniers now try to claim this is a recent change in the theory to make the evidence fit.. Snow has two effects, on sea ice in the early summer it insulates for a short period slowing the melt of ice that will disappear completely into the sea anyway. Inland it has a different effect in the early summer it has a similar insulating effect, but later as it turns to liquid water which is probably partially responsible for the carving off some of the recent large iceburgs.

  2. The 1940's recorded some of the coldest temperatures in modern history, with the global cooling continuing until 1978. This happened before in the 1880's when livestock around the world literally froze to death where they stood. And the early 1800's were like a global refrigerator! It appears to re-occur every 50-100 years, with more extreme swings every few hundred years.  Around 1978 the "global warming" started (again!), reversing a 40-year trend. BUT in 1988 it stopped! From 1988 to 2008 there has been NO increase in the mean global temperature, as it has always been calculated in modern times. (In fact, with satellites capable of taking millions of temperature reading from millions of sites per day, the readings have gotten more accurate and statistically powerful.) HOWEVER, the atmospheric CO2 levels have continued to increase at a fairly constant rate, which (if the "greenhouse effect" had been the cause of global warming) would have caused an increase in mean global temperatures.

    I remember traveling to Glacier National Park in the early 1970's when the park rangers were lamenting the meliting of the glaciers - even though the world was undergoing "global cooling" and the newspaper headlines used to read that we were entering a "New Ice Age".

    Climate change is universal: some places get hotter; others get cooler; some stay the same. It is a cyclical change that has been happening probably since the Earth had an oxygen-nitrogen-carbon dioxide atmosphere.

    I am NOT stating that that global warming did not occur. It happened in the mid 1800's, the late 1970's up until 1988 - BUT its has STOPPED  - at least for the last decade.

    Just because your lawn turns brown does not mean that the world's precipitation has decreased!!

  3. Actually the ice at Antarctica is gaining mass, and has been gaining mass since the ice mass was recorded/

    So how does the ice mass at Antarctica keep gaining even while global temperatures are said to be increasing?  

    I guess there's still some bugs in the "global warming" theory.

  4. Antartica is not melting, most studies say the ice mass is increasing, but that's not newsworthy.  

    What is newsworthy is an entirely natural process which has been occuring for millions of years, building up and breaking off ice is the closest thing to evidence of global warming there is as global temperatures haven't gone up in the last 10 years.

  5. There's a saying that goes, "Don't believe anything you hear, ,and only half of what you see"  I think that applies totally to the Global Warming scam!

  6. The world isn't going to warming is a cyclical process that evolves over tens of thousands of years. BUT, mankind might become 'extinct' - at least as we know it. Since our 'industrial revolution', we've contributed to the acceleration of the global warming cycle, which means many plant and animals species (including human beings) may not be able to adapt quickly enough to the coming cyclical climate changes.

    Our smoke belching factories, vehicle emissions, poisoned water ways, polluted air, and toxic landfills are just the 'tip of the iceberg'.

    We have not been good stewards of the planet over which we were given dominion, especially in these past 15 or 20 decades. We've squandered Earth's precious resources, decimated Earth's beauty and bounty, and wasted all the natural elements we need for our own survival - all for our own profit, comfort and convenience.

    Joke about it all you want, but we've failed to recognize how inter-dependent we are to all other creatures on this planet: polar bears; Venus fly traps; 'uncivilized' tribesmen in dense Brazilian jungles; Asian elephants; mountains; polar ice caps; daffodils; kittens; rain forests; African gorillas; glaciers; krill; meadows; wetlands; penguins; remote Eskimo tribes; coral reef; poisonous Amazonian frogs; horse shoe crabs*; tulips; spiders; redwood trees;

    wheat fields; mangrove forests; rivers and all other elements on this planet are here for a purpose.

    If we destroy it all, our gas-guzzling SUVs and Hummers won't be worth squat because they won't be operational.

    If we destroy it all, we destroy the very planet that gives us sustainable life.

    How funny is that?   -RKO-   07/12/08

  7. No, of course not! The world is NOT gonna end.

    But if most of Antarctica melts, then all the animals that lived there will have absolutely no home to live in. They will go EXTINCT. I don't exactly know how to make it stop melting, but we have to at least try to save the animals. If Antarctica melts, then the only disadvantage we'll get is never getting to see it anymore, am I wrong?

    Hope I helped,

    The Awesome One :D

  8. the World is not going to End. I hate when people say that. The world has been here and will always be here long before me and you are gone. You have to know that the world has survived the meteor that kill the dinosuars ((Something that more powerful than 200 million atomic bombs)), the ice-age ((Which lasted Millions of Years)), and then billions of years before that. Mankind might end from Gobal Warming but the Earth will be here for a long time after.

  9. "Oh my god oh my god antarctica is melting even in winter is the world gonna end?@!?@@!!?"

    No, but it is peculiar. Temperatures in the area (Wilkins Ice sheet) have been fairly cold (even for antarctica) recently, and the continued breakup is a bit of a mystery. An unknown--or not very well known--is obviously coming into play (like ocean currents).

  10. Don't think so------ as Dr. Jello says "gaining mass" --

    and their are active volcanoes underneath the ice shelf that the media always gets excited about !

  11. Antarctica is not melting, neither is the Arctic. NASA takes nice pictures of them every day just so we don't have to worry about it.

  12. The estimates are that the Great Flood will take place in 2016/2018.

  13. no, i guess ur an atheist rite...u think some lil tiny ice cap melts and floods state entirely? no, could happen, could....

  14. I just read an article about this issue today. Antarctica is actually getting larger. I read in the article that the reason pieces of the glaciers are falling off in the north pole is because an under sea volcano erupted almost right under the ice. The more I get the facts on this global warming the more I disbelieve the environmentalists.

  15. The global warming agenda shifts faster than melting ice floes.  As soon as we prove one thing wrong they come up with more weird stuff.  Will it never end?

  16. Dr Jello's right,but I see from his thumbs down you all dont want to believe it. ps Anartica is a continent,animals there would adapt,not all would disappear as someone stated.

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