
Oh my gosh please help me!!! please!

by  |  earlier

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ok so me and my mom are going house hunting tomorrow and we were going to go out to breakfast and at 4 we were gunna go look at i called my nana and told her that me and my mom were gunna hang out a little she goes "well can i come house hunting with you?" (just some background info-my nana can drive you absolutely insane...she is manipulative and judgemental...she likes to copy my mom on EVERYTHING) so i said "i dont know whats going on exactly" and she goes well i dont know what me being there would change anything and im like well i dont know and then she like freaked out on me and i was clueless as to what to say....i gotta watch what i say around her because she flips shes mad at me and i didnt even do anything what should i do? i just wanna spend some time with my mom....oh and she has her own house and everything but she wants to sell her house and move in with us..and we were like




  1. i know how you feel......  just try to ignore her the best you can.

  2. Be the bigger person here and call her and tell her how much you love her but you really want to spend mom and me time and that you'll plan a day with her and your mom next weekend or whenever its convient for everyone.  If she is still mad well she'll get over it.  When they are judgemental and manipulative they dont stay mad long.  Good Luck!

  3. Don't you feel bad. You are perfectly innocent in all of this. You are dealing with a very manipulative granny who plays these games for a reason that has very little to do with you.

    She can't help herself and is never going to change. Don't let her ruin your time with your mom, that may be part of her motive.

    I was in that exact situation with my mother when I wanted to see my dad when growing up. It's crummy.

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