
Oh no, Bath time again..?

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My 5 week old son hates baths! He is normally a quite baby till bath time then he tries to scream the house down!

Its like he was in water for 9 months so why should he have to keep going back in it... He really hates it!

Why does he do this? And how can i help him and let him know that baths are good!




  1. Is the water too cold?? Too hot?? Test it with your wrist before putting baby in. It may be to uncomfortable for him. You will just have to try different things until you find what works.  What kind of tub are you using? Are you using a hose or a wash cloth?

    Take a step back and see what could be out of place. But definitely make sure the water temp is luke warm.

  2. 2 things I can think of:

    1: The water is either too hot or too cold.

    2: The bath water is too shallow. That's what happened when mine was a newborn. Every time I bathed him, he'd cry. Then my mum was visiting and she said 'no wonder he's crying, he's cold and uncomfortable' (and I really thought I'd put enough in!). I filled the bath more and he's been the happiest baby at bath time ever since!!

    Good luck

  3. Awwwww, I really don't know, our little one loves his bath (he's 5 weeks tomorrow) he'll scream if its too cold - boy does he love to be warm! Sometimes he's not to keen on a hair wash but mainly he's good in the bath - he just loves to be naked really!

    Have you tried bathing with him? It'll be colder than you like it but maybe he'll feel happier with you there with him?

    Also do you use a baby bath?

    We use a floating "bath pad" in the main bath, he seems pretty happy on it, its soft and comfortable and makes him feel safe enough and not too covered in water.

    Also the little guy knows bath time is daddy time, because he is in the main bath daddy did it while I was recovering from the c-section. Now its just daddy's job (cos mummy does the feeding!) I have only bathed him once, he wasn't so keen on me!

  4. It might be the temperature or the type of bath?  Are you bathing him in the bathtub or a baby bathtub or just sponging (which I would imagine since he is so little).

    Maybe your water is too cold or too hot.  

    Or maybe he will just grow into it.  My daughter didn't start to enjoy her baths until about 10 weeks.  She hated sponge baths and hated the baby bathtub.  I finally started using this baby bather that looks like a ladies high heel shoe that she can recline in and bathing her in the big tub.  She LOVES being able to kick in the water.  She also gets really ticked off if the water is tepid.  She likes warm water.

  5. I also used to deal with this.  It lasted for the first 5 months and it mad bathes h**l.  Now.... finally my son LOVES bathes.... it just happened overnight...... he began enjoying them.  I try toys, and singing, different times of day, when he was full, when he was sleepy, when he was awake, it made no difference.  I just ended up having my husband help me..... and we made the bath as fast as possible and just dealt with the screaming......... and nursing him or gving him a bottle right after the bath always helped calm him down.  

  6. my son was the same at that age, not so long ago cos hes now 10 weeks. i realised that it was cos i wasnt holding him close. i used those things that u place the baby in and he would screammmmm! then i started takin a bath with him n cuddling him, then gently moving him away whilst i was in the water, n he got used to it though i dnt use that holder again. i now got a small basin n hold him from under d arms, he could b screaming his *** off but as soon as he touches the water he shuts up! the complete opposite! good luck!

    n also make sure its d right temp, test with ur elbow xx

  7. My son hated bath time when he was that age too, his little face turned red & he screamed so hard it broke my heart. He outgrew that when he was aorund 8-10wks. Now he LOVES bath time, he splashes & kicks & well, i love bathing him. I don't know why he hated them but i can give you hope that this phase will pass =]

    God Bless

  8. My son didn't like it either, would just scream, so i did switch between sponge baths and reg baths..he got use to it..however, still at 4 months as soon as you put him in his tub he just stares at you wide-eyed in horror! it's actually quite funny!

    keep trying!

    Also, make sure the water is warm enough and the room you give it to him in is warm enough, he might just be cold

  9. if not already done bath him at same time every add a few colourful things to look at..good luck

  10. sponge bath him, that's what your supposed to do. When I was little my parents just got a little seat in the sink and used sponges and water to bathe me, and the warm sink water wound just run on me. They also distracted me with a bath toy, and after the bath, they gave me a treat and a duck bathrobe

    There are some ideas, Hope that Helps and Good Luck

    ♥ Bella ♥  

  11. crikey...i'm not alone then!!  one of my twin daughters seemed to know when the bath was ready & she screamed the house made the hairs on my neck stand up!!!

    honestly...this phase passes...nothing you can do...i promise - you will look back & laugh!!  you are doing nothing wrong - some babies just do that...make sure you film it so that you can embarrass him on his wedding!!   congrats on Dominic by the way!

  12.   It's probably because he feels un-secure.  The best way is to get in the bathtub with him and hold him while you both take a bath.  I did this with my daughter until she was almost 10 or 11 months.

  13. sponge bathe him? who knows? maybe he hated being in water for nine months and doesnt want to go back in? ;)

  14. My son did the same thing!  He screamed during bath time, and I dreaded it because he hated it so much.  I just kept giving him a bath every night just so he would be on a routine and get used to it.  One thing I did was put one towel in the dryer while I was giving him a bath.  I would take him out of the bath and dry him off with a towel in the bathroom, then I would wrap him in the towel that was in the dryer, and that would calm him down immediately.  I would sing to him while bathing him to soothe him.  After about a month of bath time he didn't cry anymore.  My son LOVES to take a bath now.  Good luck!

  15. Try making the water warmer than recommended and colder than recommended.  My first like VERY warm baths at first, warm enough his skin would be slightly pink.  But as you know from years of taking baths and showers a slight pink hue is not a burn.  Some babies also like relatively cool baths.

    Otherwise I'm not sure if they still make it as I have been desperately trying to find it but Aveeno made a baby wash that could be used with or without soap.  So it can be used and just wipe the baby down and you don't have to worry its overly irritating if you don't get it all off (it is also AWESOME at getting those tough poops off the bum -wait till your get blueberry poops =)) )

  16. We did sponge baths for the first few months, because my son was no fan of regular baths either, so I'd say to give that a try. Once my son could sit up by himself, he started to really like bath time.  Good luck!

  17. My daughter had the same problem, hers was related to the delivery process and the fact that the Dr. used a suction devise on her head to assist her exit from the birth canal.  She did out grow it, you just have to ride out the storm, ear plugs are a great relief, take the edge off of the screaming.  Be patient, sing a lullaby, deliberate caressing strokes and movements, it will get better.

    Enjoy these moments as they will seem like a world away in eighteen years.  

  18. My son did the same until i got the foam bath support that he lays on in the bath Tesco and Mothercare  sell them there only £6 he loves it now he must feel more safe laying on the sponge he lays there kicking and splashing his arms now good luck .

  19. haahah...sorry i dont know anything about the question but the way youve asked the question...

    hahahaah...ohh its hilarious

  20. My daughter hated bath time too.  But then I started running the shower for a few minutes before  to warm up the bathroom. Now she loves it. Apparently she didn't hate the water, she just hated being cold. I don't know if this is the case for your baby, but its something you could try. Good luck:)

  21. idk if this will help you, but it helped me...i tried the taking a bath with her thing once...ONCE..LOL--she screamed with lung reserve i didn't know she had, and it was like wresting a chimp to wash her--and she was less than 2 mos at the time (stump healed well by then though); i honestly have no idea how long it took, bc it took forever; my back felt absolutely broken, and she was so exhausted from fighting tooth and nail that as soon as she got wrapped nice and warm in a towel she knocked out! so that was OUT...

    now, we alt sponge baths and 'real baths' in her tub...which we use the euro primo, which is great for helping keep them in place and head out of the water...i put a thick hand towel under tub, under her and put it inside reg tub....the one under her helps keep her from sliding and is big enough that i can dip it in the warm water and cover parts i am not currently washing...did that the next bath and since, works much better and only half breaks my back..LOL; she still scream bloody murder when i wipe her ears,  her neck under her chin and wash her hair, but i can live with that....and it take us less than half the evening! hahahha

    for some reason she likes the water that comes out of the removable shower thingy, so i rinse her hair with that and usually she stops screaming then, i stand her up, rinse everything else, and out we go! works much, much better!! and it is still enough moving around and such that it tends to make her sleepy after getting dried off and such....weird note..she loves her head rubbed, hair brushed, anything dry; but if you try to sneak a WET washcloth over her head for touchups, watch out!! LOL good luck hth

  22. He's still very young and hates the cold air around him - he was lovely and warm in your womb.  Persevere as it will not be long before he loves his bath.  Just keep everything warm and snuggly eg towel and sleepsuit over the radiator etc.  Have everything ready before the bath, Snuggle him warmly once he is out and don't leave him naked.

  23. My 5week old girl loves bath time. I have not put her in the tub. Instead I have one thats like a seat thatcan get wet. I put that in the sink and use the hose to wash her..That way she car see every thing and I can be level with her. Its a good time to get good baby belly kisses. =) Make sure that you keep him warm when you are washing him. Dont sped to much time washing b/c he could be getting cold. I was her head then rinse her then wash her body and then we play with the water when were done. She likes when you spray a little in her mouth. and turn it on and off over and over again. ANY how hope that helps good luck. I know its hard when you dont know whats wrong.

  24. Is he circumcised? If so - make sure he is full healed. Otherwise, it could be hurting him to have it in the water.

    Has his umbilical cord fallen off and completely healed as well? that could also hurt if it's under water.

    Try adjusting the temperature of the water. Maybe it's too hot or too cold for him. Turn on some music when you give him a bath, or give him a toy to play with.

    I had a foam bear when my son was that age that sat in the tub, and he sat in it. It kept him from sliding around, and made him feel more stable. He absolutely would not take a bath unless that bear was in there. I believe it was about 4-5 dollars at Walmart. =) It had a foam sponge too - which I never used on him b/c it was kinda rough, but he liked holding it during his bath time.  

  25. UGH the first month and a half was a nightmare for me and bath time. But I finally figured out, Sarah didnt like the plastic bath tub we were using. I used the kitchen sink and she was happy as can be, and loves her bath time. Are you using one of those tubs..if so , try the sink, or the real bath tub, maybe bathe him it may soothe him. Good Luck

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