
Oh no....I think I am having an e-panic attack...does anyone have some e-xanax?

by  |  earlier

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Thanks in e-advance......phew!!!!





  1. Only trade for e-adderall

  2. i think youv had to much e-alcohol


  3. sorry i dont


  4. I don't share my e-xanax with any e-one.

  5. im emailing you a e-valium...sorry thats all i have on

    such short notice!

  6. No e-Xanax, you don't e-drink...hmmm

    I find that an e-panic attack goes away faster with some e-jokes. From panic to laughter. Let me try with some e-internet jokes:

    Laws of the Internet

    * Your ‘Favorites’ list will become so large it will be quicker to conduct a new Search than to use it.

    * Your computer will crash just as you are about to save that long thought out email.

    * Every Search will give over a thousand results - the only one of interest will always be last.

    * Your best loved site will have inexplicably vanished the next time you try to access it.

    * Junk mail will always reach you but important emails will get lost.

    * Inevitably you will forget to turn the Webcam off before undressing for bed and wake up to find you have become a world-wide p**n star.

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