
Oh the irony! Do the McCanns understand the poetic justice ?

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After R Murats £600,000 "settlement" ,more than the McCanns, how do they feel now ,that the guy they set up to be the "patsy" for them,with 3 of their "pals" flying back to Portugal to "identify " him, that he should be awarded MORE than them?




  1. I'm sure that the McCanns begrudge the settlement, even though it should have been them and their lying cronies being sued for defaming this man's character.

  2. Well done Mr. Murats, he can now get on with his life.

    The Mc.Canns, in my opinion, have a lot to answer for, in more than one way.

  3. This isn't about money...its about a missing child.

  4. how do you know he is not guilty, even though he has been awarded money , he still remains a suspect and a child is still missing

    dont laugh its not funny, for years i thought Lindy Chamberlain here in Australia killed her baby, she went to jail for it though never proven

    now years later it showed dingos on the island where her baby disappeared attacking a little boy on the beach he was lucky he was saved by his family dont judge until proven

  5. It doesn't matter what they think....had it not been for them Murat would not have been in the frame in the first place...

  6. BRILLIANT point.

    michael w says that  Robert Murat set himself up and that he was awarded £600,000 for just being a suspect.

    michael, you really must have more trust in the UK's legal system.  There is more proof that the MaCanns did it than there is that Murat is involved.  The behaviour of the MaCanns was to RUN away from Justice. They FLED the jurisdiction. They acted scared from day one. MURAT stayed put !!! Murat did not flee the jurisdiction....  I say that Murat should be awarded about 3 times that amount.    600K is just not enough for what he was subjected to.  The McCanns were clearly anxious to make Murat the PATSY !!

    You say Murat was seen on the scene of the crime ?

    What is so surprising about that ?  It is a holiday resort. Thousands were at the scene of the crime.  BUT MURAT DID NOT trod on the forensic evidence in the apartment.... YOUR tapas 9 did, for an entire hour, a full hour, before the PJ were called.

    Murat's Mother lied ?  So what ?  Can Murat answer for his mother's lies ?  NO !   On impulse to protect my son I would lie for my son !!  ---I just don't know.

    And your tapas did not lie ?  LOL

    Are you saying that everything from the McCann camp has been PURE and HONEST ??

    And his German girlfriend also lied -- well that's only TWO people possibly lying for Murat... .  There are 7 on the McCanns side doing the same.

    Your next statement, michael w,  is a beauty  ha ha ha

    "Maybe he was not involved in her abduction but he certainly deserved to be made a suspect"  B-R-A-V-O... ha ha ha ha

    Even the pitiful amount Murat settled for tells me he is innocent.  Consider how much people like Elton John get in damages when a paper accuses them publicly of being a naughty man or something else just as trivial,  3 or 4 million Pounds !!??

    Finally (phew!)  there is no proof of an abduction.


    " Rosebud "  -- it's fantastic to know  my presence was missed.  I thought nobody would notice (Kleenex tissues out please).  Like "seven",  you "Rosebud" and so many others Like Misty (now slightly tanned, LOL)  are icons in Current Events difficult to keep away from.... and in that icon status list  I have to include "michael w" too, I'm afraid...  He keeps the McCann's debate alive.   My absence ?   I drove 5 hours to Swansea to collect my African grey parrot.  We've named her Macy and she appears in my new avatar. She kept me very busy and that's why I was not here all this time.


    " michael w "

    The McCanns  "...have been released as suspects by the Police" not because the PJ have concluded the MaCanns are innocent..   Throughout the investigation the PJ had no cooperation from the people who,, at least, should have the moral obligation to cooperate. That's is why the case has been closed. Nothing further to do. What would Scotland Yard (CID) do more than the PJ ?  Or the FBI in the states ?

    Sad am Hussein would have tortured the McCanns,  .... that sort of thing does not happen in Portugal or Europe, thank God !!  The PJ have decided to file the case and leave the McCanns alone so let's give the PJ a break, ok michael w ? -- The sad thing is that the  poor little Madeleine is still missing.

      From what I read in the Portuguese press, the PJ continue to believe what they have always believed, that the kid died in the apartment and that the McCanns know more than they are telling us.

  7. They were not awarded anything. A donation was made to the Find Madeleine fund. The McCanns were satisfied with the apology.

    I'm sure they couldnt give a stuff about Murats money. Charalambous the Lawyer for Abu Hamza does not come cheap.

  8. Robert Murat set himself up. How this man can get £600,000 for just being a suspect is beyond me. He was seen at the scene of the crime His mother lied when she said he was at home all night and his German girlfriend also lied as to her whereabouts. Maybe he was not involved in her abduction but he certainly deserved to be made a suspect

    Life-isnt.    If there was no abduction then Maddie must have been killed in her apartment. As the McCanns have been released as suspects by the Police who do you think killed her ? Robert Murat ? Even I do not think this.

  9. Odd that money should hold such importance to you in a case such as this.

    It would appear that despite the admission of the outright lies by newspapers you appear to still believe all the nonsense.

    Ironically this question says more about you than the McCanns in my opinion.

  10. I say Robert Murat deserved every penny and more.

    I seeMichael is  still in LaLa land according to his answers.

    Red chro has it right and while I am at it

    Would like to say Hi red Chro .Glad to see your back

  11. If someone had ruined your life through scaremongering and lies, wouldn't you deserve to get money to restart your job, your life and your integrity. He deserves it, he was in the wrong place at the wrong time and got nailed for it. who gives a stuff about the McCanns? They left 3 kids on their own to go out with their friends every night, they deserve jail.

  12. I'd like to see him pursue the others who pointed the finger at him, through the courts and that for me would be poetic justice.

  13. The man deserves every penny, his life has been ruined because of his 'accusers'.. He never ran away when the Police were asking questions and happened to get caught up in the sick charade like a lot of other unfortunate people. Like another user said, the McCann's have a lot to answer for and what is fact, is that if it wasn't for them 'abandoning' their children in the first place none of this would be happening. But they will keep at their 'story' of the 'abduction', (which the police have said is impossible) but one day someone might just 'unturn' the right stone and the truth will come out....

  14. Let's all keep our eyes on the Real Prize, people.  It's finding Madeleine.

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