
Oh the woe's of driving..?

by  |  earlier

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Alright, im 21, and i don't have a license. I have had my temps twice, and i pass my written tests no problem. (Im in Ohio). I haven't had the nerve to take the driving part of the test, so my temps always expire. My dilemma: - I'm fine on back roads, mostly fine on freeways, and i have no problem with the speed limits (Comfortable going fast or slow). My problem is intersections. I'm always extremely tense and nervous when it comes to an intersection. I know i could just go my whole life avoiding the intersection but that really wouldn't make any sense. I have studied the booklets (Obviously, if i pass my written) and i've driven, but while i drive i make it a point to avoid intersections as much as possible. I'm wanting to learn as many possibilities of intersections as possible. Can anyone help with possible turns,straights, etc. Or point me in the right direction for intersection information? What makes you not nervous about intersections? Thanks a bunch.




  1. Take a few lessons from a qualified Professional Driving Instructor. That way, you will find out the proper techniques of making turns, lane changing, parking........all of that!

    Then you can practice, knowing that you are learning the correct's nice to have the best information so that you can use it as a reference for making decisions while driving, don't you think?

  2. well the way I see it is you have to get over your problem with intersections or not drive. to get over your problem pratice with some one beside you and listen to what they say.

  3. its me the tattoo guy who needed info on business management....i thought you mentioned u were 23?

  4. Look forward and watch for yellow lights. Look both ways. Watch three lights ahead of you if you can. Try driving at night with lesser traffic. Watch the right lane for turners. Take a defensive driving course. They work wonders.

  5. Try this site........................

  6. Practice!  Stop avoiding them.  Go on a drive where you have nothing but intersections.  In real every-day life, you can't avoid them.  So rather than doom yourself, practice until you don't mind them anymore.  Good luck!

  7. I'm also from OH & I agree w/ SAR practice, practice, practice.  If the intersection has a light, slow down just enough that if it changes you have time to stop.  Also, no matter what type of intersection you come to, look both ways as you approach &/or turn, just in case someone doesn't stop in time or an emergency vehicle is coming along.  Watch your signs as you approach & get in the proper lane before you get to the intersection.  Use your turn signal when needed to inform drivers of your choice.  If you miss a turn, find a parking lot or driveway & turn around, then make the turn when you get back to the intersection.  

    Since you don't have any problems on back roads, practice intersection procedures like turns, lights, etc. in the smaller towns around home.  Get your confidence built up before tackling busier roads.  Also, relax nerves will get the best of you if you let them.  Hope I helped!!

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