
Ohhhhhhhh please help me its so hhottt?

by  |  earlier

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its 1 am where i am , in Canada and its getting hotter and hotter now, near 12am it was 26 decrease now its 27 , and it keeps getting hotter and i cant fall asleep, it says overnight its 21 decrease but i cant sleep, any ideas?




  1. well first turn ur air on so it gets cold in the house.or take a nice cool bath which that should help for the night cause in illinois it reached 95 degrees today!! but wear a t shirt and ur pajamas and turn on fans to keep kool

  2. go get ice put it on a ziploc and pu it on u any where

  3. Try wetting cloths or paper towels. Wrap one around your neck, one around each wrist, and one around each ankle. This helps to cool down the places where your major blood vessels are nearest the skin. One summer I worked in a place where the temp got close to 115 degrees and this worked wonders.

  4. How about turning the air on??

  5. Here from California, and I think I would love it if the hottest it ever got was 27 degrees C.

    My advice would be to not wear as much clothes, use less blankets, and open up windows for maximum airflow. If you can, put a fan in front of your window which will greatly increase the colder air coming in.

  6. Put some wet clothes near the window and if possible near u. switch the fan on and get some cool air thus.... Its not so hot as how it is in my place in south india, where it is 41 degrees during day and 30 during u can easily do it with a fan and some wet towels/clothes...

  7. Turn a fan way to cool down...

  8. OK this may not be what you want to hear? Use cool water enemas,  It's a known fact to  cool the body down. My old family doc; use to prescribe them for headaches and fever.  And it fills the body fast with hydration.  But it's not every-ones cup of tea.

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