
Ohio school district income tax question?

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Does anyone know how I find out when the income tax levy expires in my school district? The disctrict I live in (Clermont Northeastern) already gets ~60% of my property taxes, 1% of my income and now is putting a ballot on November's ticket for more money. With the economy as bad as it is right now I would like to know where they propose I pull this extra money from - I don't have stockpiles of the green stuff just laying around.

I would like to find out when the current income tax levy expires and when it is due to be up for renewal but I cannot find any of that information on Ohio's Dept. of Tax website, nor the school's website. Any links or other info would help!





  1. The tax can be enacted as a permanent tax or for a fixed number of years. You would have to check with your school district as to how your tax was enacted. The permanent tax is the most common however.

  2. The county auditor would have this information.  The auditor's office is responsible for collecting real estate taxes.

    Check out

    I do not know if the information is online (I didn't spend too much time looking through the website), but you can call the office and find out the information if it is not online.

  3. call the county court house they will be able to guide you to whom you need to talk to

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