
Ohk so i dont get itlike in the movie 21 what is card counting no one will tell me what iit is?

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  1. basically its memorizing the cards that have been dealt so that you can predict the cards that will be dealt. It's pretty much just probability though, because it isn't 100% that a certain card will be dealt, just which cards are most likely to be dealt

  2. Card counting works on the basis that aces and tens are good for the player, whereas little cards are good for the dealer.

    A card counter uses a system of tracking how many 'good' cards have been dealt versus how many 'bad' cards have been dealt.  By doing this he will know when the deck is heavy with cards that help him, and when the deck is heavy with cards that help the dealer.

    A successful card counter will therefore know when to bet big, and when to bet small.

    By doing this the normal house edge can be neutralized and the card counter can beat the game.  The problem is casinos don't like to lose, so if they see someone who is good at counting cards, they will ask them not to play any more.

    So the skill is not just counting cards really well, and playing perfect strategy, but also doing so in a manner that doesn't make the casino want to kick you out.  It's not easy to do.

  3. card counting is assigning a numeric value to a range of cards in a deck and keeping a running total of the shoe, as the cards are dealt.  Depending on the running total, and the system, the total will give you an idea of what the majority of cards are left in the deck.  For example, you may assign -1 to cards 2 to 6, 0 to 7-9, and +1 for 10 and up.  By keeping a running total, if your total is negative, there is more 7+ cards left in the shoe.  Depending on the number of decks a casino uses, you can predetermine cutoff points at which there would be a higher probability of "good" player cards to maximize your bets.  If there is a run of low cards, your total would be negative, so you know that you would have a better chance of getting face cards.  The total of a complete shoe will always be 0, so you adjust your hand betting accordingly.

    This is oversimplified, but gives you the principle around card counting.

  4. Its a method of memorizing and watching the cards in a game so that you can predict what card will come next.

    People who are extremely good at math can calculate in their head the odds of what cards will be in play. There by giving them an edge over other players and the house.

  5. Card counting is not cheating, cheating means you are somehow manipulating the out come.   Card counting is a method used to let the player know whether there are more friendly cards left in the shoe for the players or for the house.  

    At its most basic form you assign values to various card, 2 thru 6 are given a plus 1 value and 7 thru 9 are given a 0 value and 10 thru A are given a negative 1 value.  You keep track of every card you see with a new shoe and when you have a high value your chances of winning the next hand on the next deal are increased, if you are playing by the "book" so you would increase your bet.  

    Example, 4 players are at the table, you have a count of + 2 you would make your standard bet and out come the cards

    k/9 for plyr 1, 7/Q for plyr 2, 6/3 for plyr 3, 8/3 for plyr 4 and the dealer has 9 showing.  At this stage the count is +3, but there is still more action to come, plyr 3 hits and gets 4 (now the count is +4) he hits again and gets a 6  (now the count is + 5) for a 19 he stands.  Plyr 4 double downs and gets a 2 (now the count is +6).  The dealer flips his hole card, it is a 4 (count now is +7) he must hit because he has 13, he hits and gets a 3 (count is now +8) he must hit again because he has 16 he gets a J (now the count is +7)  and busts. Everyone wins in that hand.  You now have a +7 count so you might want to increase your bet because there are more 10 and A value cards which are favorable for the players.  

    The reason it works (to some degree) is that in a deck of cards, you have 16 out of 52 cards that are valued 10 (20 when you add the aces) and knowning the probability of when they are more likely to come gives you a little advantage OVER THE LONG TERM, you still have a randomly shuffled deck so there is no iron clad rule.  Of course the size of the shoe effects this also, the more decks, the more random (that is why in single deck blackjack all cards are dealt face down and the deck is reshuffled after each hand)

    While it isn't cheating you should be careful about how you vary your bets, the casino could ask you to leave and never come back.   If you are betting one green standard (25) and change to two or three greens (50 and 75)  you shouldn't have a problem, it is betting one green to five blacks (500) when the count is right that gets you an invitation to the street.  Casinos employ card counters to keep count on all the tables with the eye in the sky and if they see you hammering it on a high + count only, they will know and in a second, you will know that they know, cause the pit boss will be saying, "excuse me sir (or ma'am) could you please get you chips and come with me".

    Some people use the count to know when to deviate from standard play, I would advise against that though, not only will any knowlegable players at the table say something to you but due to the very slight edge you have, deviating from book play it will still cost you more than you make.  Good luck, and I hope I helped you understand the concept.

  6. I'm pretty sure its a way to cheat at blackjack, not too sure how it  works but i assume it involves "card counting".


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