
Ohkay i got violent.. coz a guy called me g*y.. was it ohkay? sorry abit of a read...?

by  |  earlier

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last week i was at a party...

and this guy was abit tipsy and said to me

"man, i recon your g*y... you have gfs and go on dates but dont do anything.. ur like too scared, or your g*y"

i told him to back off, but then a few minutes later hes going around telling people that theres a "bet" that im g*y unless i hook up with my lady friend.

i dunno, i just lost it and punched him and kneed him a few times....

is it ohkay to beatup some anoying guy up who keeps crossing the line, or is what i did just wrong?

i mean it was cowardly of me just to beat up a half drunk guy...

i called my bros and he said it was ohkay, and my mum said i shoulds knocked his teeth out so he cant talk stupid for a week... but they arnt exactly perfect role models,

so im asking you guys... is it ohkay?




  1. In my opinion violence is never okay. What makes this situation worse is that you come across as being homophobic, and im sure you're not. What is good though is that you are feeling guilty about it, so you obviously know it wasnt okay. There is nothing you can do about it now anyway, it is in the past. You could, i fyou knew the man, apologise, but chances are you dont. Learn from it and next time smile and walk away.

  2. I guess he was tryig to manipulate you. But I guess you thought him his lessons.

  3. There is going to be those kinds of jerks all through life where ever you go. Unless you want to personally fight them all when they offend you, you need a new game plan. It may be next time you get insulted,  the guy can beat you up as well.

    I honestly understand why you did hit the guy but getting violent won't change that person or make you any more heterosexual.

    I think you need to find a better way to cope when people make you angry, or insult you. it will make you the bigger man if you can do that.

  4. I am from India.... what you did was awesome. I agree wholeheartedly that he needed a solid kicking. So Jason remember never take c**p from nobody!!!

  5. Well maybe u didnt need to beat the guy up but yes you had every right to be angry just deal with it verbaly next time instead of using your fists and that will make you the better person everytime.

  6. If what you are looking for is validation, I can't give it to you.  As far as my opinion goes, it seems you wanted to shut the guy up and you did it.  A truly strong man, confident in himself could now just put it behind him.  Ask yourself what you learned here... take the lesson, and move on.  

    I'm not much of a fan of violence, but sometimes, well, it happens.

  7. No, it was not OK.

    As far as I am concerned, there is nothing wrong with being g*y.  What he said to you was offensive, though, because saying someone is g*y, especially to a man, to a young man, and to a young man who is not g*y, is usually meant as an insult, and taken as such.  It was also offensive for him to try to manipulate you into hooking up with your lady friend.  What you do on dates is none of his business.

    He disrespected you and he was totally out of line, but that didn't give you the right to use violence.  Not only was he drunk, which made it not a "fair" fight, but he wasn't worth it.  Why should you care when an idiot is shooting off his mouth.  It doesn't matter what he says.  His words are meaningless and absolutely no reflection on you.  It would be awful if you got in trouble over this.  He isn't worth it.  You also have to be careful when you hit someone, especially when they're drunk.  They can get more hurt than expected, choke on their own vomit, and etc.  It just isn't worth it.

  8. your;...wiiiierd

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