
Ohkay what should i do about my friend?

by  |  earlier

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ohkay my friend is like stealing the words i make up and my own style and sometimes is to hyper for me and i don't want to make anymore conflict than everything that was already going what should i do?




  1. OMG sounds just like my 'friend'

    Some nerdy girl is desprete for popularity and like clings to me.

    She like copies my style and owns at least 5 shirts that match mine. >_<

    What works for me is just to ignore her. My girl can't take a hint, but maybe yours can.

  2. OMFG it must be nice to be 12 and have these kinds of problems my friend is copying me! boo hoo no matter what words or styles you think you made up trust me you did not someone somewhere already has.

  3. She's stealing 'your words'?! I wouldn't worry about that- maybe she just thinks that they're interesting.

    If she's 'too hyper' for you, and you can't accept her as she is, then I don't know why she still hangs around with you, personally.

  4. No one these days actually have they're own style..they are all either 'inspired' or something, and who cares if she uses the words you "made up?"

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