Question: should i do ?!?

by  |  earlier

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okay so..

this morning i woke up and i looked in the mirror.

and like the most horrifying thing happened..

theres like a huge brownyellowgreeenish booger stuck in my nose.. :[

i mean i keep picking and picking and it just wont come out.

its not affecting my breathing but its just really annoying ^-^

how do i get it out?

i officially hate boogers... n_n

advice would really help...





  1. Sub merge your nose in warm water, maybe it'll soften it up and make it easier to pick, There's always the cotton bud technique. A wet wipe possibly? Its got to come out one way or another.

  2. LMAO!!! ok just blow your nose really REALLY hard!!

  3. LOL LOL LOL  ... I think I just threwup in my mouth a lil.

  4. uhm...have u tried blowing ur nose?

    maybe a q-tip?

  5. get some nasal saline solution.  one's called ocean brand or something.    it'll soften it up so it doesn't hurt & you can probably blow it out.  i had surgery on my nose last year & they had me use that sort of stuff when it was healing (& stuff was getting hard in there - EW)

  6. See my name? you need decongestants for them thar boogies!!!!

    take a shower and get it nice and steamy then blow into the stream of water!

    but not first, you most shove your fingers up into them thar nostils and coat it with water, good luck!

  7. keep picking you'll find the end soon enought!

  8. Try a nasal spray like olbas

  9. This is possibly the weirdest question I have seen!

    And if everything you try doesn't work...just leave it alone, eventually it will "come out" lol.

    You can always take a Q-Tip and wet it with water, than try again. Or...even Vasline will work.

    Good luck with your booger situation.

    :) Hope I helped.

  10. Really????? Wow you've got to be kidding me! Try something wet like a wet cloth or Q-tip to loosen it up and then get at it with some tissue and that should break it free! lol WOW

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