
Oil Light Stays On from time i start my engine to when i take it off

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I have a Mitsubishi Eclipse 95, and as soon as i start my engin the oil light stays on, does this mean that i have a bad switch or is something wrong with my pump, does it make a difference if the light comes off and then goes back on a again some time later, or on continously from the start




  1. It very well could be a bad pressure sensor but most of the time there is a problem with oil pressure from a bad oil pump.  If you have had any work done to the motor (repairs, upgrades...) you may also have something in your oil pan cuasing this problem.  I have seen cars that have had timing belts that broke and where replaced, but then i pulled the oil pan to find pieces in the pan, the pump, and so on.  I dont think anyone can give you a solution with out actually checking out your vehicle but those are some things to think about and look into.

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