
Oil companies got away with it..... Now it's the gas and electricity firm's chance to do the same?? Or is it??

by  |  earlier

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Sorry, my mistake it must be a needed thing...oops, sorry for being mistaken..




  1. The gas & electricity firms beat the oil companies at it.

  2. Remember when they sold of the shares and the greedy public bought them??

    Now the greedy public want the dividends.

    Selling off was a big mistake.

  3. There all at it there a greedy pack.The way its going we will all end up having to go cold.Mind I intend on wrapping well up & keeping the heating to the minimum.I really begrudge lining there fat pockets.

    PS/ You have nothing to be sorry about your question is spot on.

  4. ???????????????????

  5. I think solar is a great way to go. But the solar industry is as greedy as the oil boys. They are getting in bed with utility companies by developing "solar farms" that add power to the grid that happens to be owned by the utilities! Will electric price go down? I doubt it.

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