
Oil crisis why not invade saudi arabia and be done with it?

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They charge too much for their oil anyway.They would be so easy to beat

then give china a better deal on the oil to keep them happy.come on is this the worst idea? what are the consequences? REALLY what are the consequences?




  1. We can not do that.  The Saudi Royal Family and bushco have been too close for too long now.

  2. wow genius THEY ARE AN a matter of fact they are the ONLY arab nation that supports more american efforts THAN arab efforts.....holy cow

  3. i like these types of questions and comments.

    you are showing:

    1. racism towards other nations

    2. a deamning of other nations. (let's just get rid of them, we might kill 10s of thousands of people, but i drive my car better, who cares?)

    in reality, this tone of attitude, is the #1 factor that created a big problem of the american public image globally.

    3. lack of knowledge: global oil prices are sat by supply and demand and mainly it is a mechanism invented by the west. Saudi and other similar countries are just following the rule of the market.

    4. Lack of knowing who is contributing to your high gas prices: Saudi IS increasing its oil production massively to balance the unbalanced market. Iran and Iraq are not producing enough because of US interventions.

    Any small attack on Saudi Arabia will raise the oil prices to unbelievable level. Stability of this country is vital for the stability of world economy.

  4. ok then let's go

  5. Like it or not they are one of our allies - not to mention we'd be at war with every other other country in the area.

    How do you think our allies would view an invasion?  Maybe they'd think they might be next if they had something we wanted....

    Everyone says we invaded Iraq for oil - if so where is it?  

  6. You are a genius, you just proved that the invasion of Iraq wasn't just

    for oil, the Saudis have a lot more of it and we could have taken it,

    just as easily.  The consequences?  The whole world looks to Saudi

    Arabia for oil, are we up to taking on the whole world, I think not!

  7. I don't suppose ethics and morality are considerations in your parallel universe are they? That's just not the way things are done here in the real world.

  8. Did you know that we have enough oil her to take care of us for along time. We are just using p everyone Else oil first so that then we can charge a lot more for it. I think we need to stop depending on oil land learn how to use the other things that we got out there.There has to be more than just one source of energy. We just haven't found out how to use it yet.

  9. If Westerners occupied Saudi Arabia, which also contains Mecca & Medina, there would be holy h**l to pay.  

  10. because oil shortages are manipulated occurrences. They actually work in favor of the elite who use crisis to consolidate their power.

  11. if you are really brave then why don't you attack your so called enemy (Iran) who are attacking your soldiers and sending hit men to kill your soldiers in Iraq? you are only brave in talking against them, but you never do anything to p**s them off. Saudi Arabia is a friend of the US and Saudi Arabia always bails out the US's warmongering *** whenever they're in trouble, that's why Bush always flies to Riyadh to ask for oil when the prices go up

  12. Because to do so would kind of put America on everybodies Sch-it list


    And America has already got its nose in to many other countries business


    For some reason America thinks it is the only country in the whole world that gives a c**p about how another is run


    And to take on Saudi Arabia is taking on another 12 year war


  13. think zapata :

    "oil, that is, black gold,texas tea"


    Alaska has perfectly good oil btw

    & it would do a lot more good for us to buy & use our own I'd say  

  14. There would be a war and they would take NYC off of the map.  I live in NYC so I don't want that to happen.

  15. Sure?

    It's them?

    Causing all the mess out there?

    Luke 9.25,55-56,60


    Don't think so?

    Look in the real world.

    Trace it back in the TV newsreels and prints.

    On how king midas with the golden touch and numb fingers.

    With great dreams over a one man's own dreams.

    Matt 7.15,27

    In crowning himself as king of the jew.

    Matt 27.29,37

    In messing up the "King and I"

    Revelation 16.14

    In running the "King of kings" out of town.

    Luke 6.39-40,41-45,46-49

    What do you think?

  16. Ok thats smart. Lets go get more troops killed. In the meantime, shut the **** up!

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