
Oil is down $40 in a month - Is that bad news for Dems?

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...since all Dems have is doom & gloom to sell?




  1. It has been going down really a lot since Sarah was announced. I think big oil is scared also.  

  2. It's good news for everyone.  BTW, $110 a barrel for oil is not cheap. It's still double what it was before Bush effed things up.  

  3. It's still up $70 dollars since the idiot in the white house took over

  4. It should tell you just how crooked the Republican party is, they have  been fixing gas prices and s******g us the last few years, and now right before the election it comes down. What does that tell you?

    EDIT: Cheney met with the top Leaders of the Oil companies 2 weeks before prices went through the roof - and now right before thelection with Repubs in trouble the prices come down.

  5. Nope, it is good news.  That means the market is stablizing around the fact that there will be peace in the Middle East on the prospects of a Dem in the White House.

    With a republican in the White House oil went from $26/brl in 2003 to $145 in 2008.

    Amazingly the same thing happened essentially happened in the 1980s...hmmm.  Who was president back then?

  6. Any good news for America is bad news for Democrats.

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