
Oil problem..Will it b solved????

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I heard that cars can run on water...of fuel cell...or batteries...But oil corps are conspiring against them do u agree?? What will b the oil senario in next 10 years?????/




  1. If it keeps going the way it is pretty soon most people won't be able to afford drive in 10 years and will sell there cars to help pay bills. This whole credit crunch is a pile of sh**

  2. First water vehicle was developed ages ago:

  3. No, cars can't run on water. See Wikipedia articles. Fuel cells are expensive and do not last long, not practical at present.

    The oil companies are taking advantage of present conditions, but do the problems are not as a result of a conspiricy.

    No one including can stop technical advancement.

  4. There are no better options than oil.  If there were oil companies would be investing in them

  5. It'll be solved about when the oil supply runs out. As for me, I got tired of paying high gas prices and bought two cars that run on natural gas (methane) instead. They are cleaner for the environment and much cheaper to run ($10 to fill up) than regular gasoline cars. The carmakers know how to make them (Ford made mine in 1999 and 2000), so the technology isn't new. There aren't many places to fill them up yet, so check out my sources before you go out and buy one. Don't wait for the government to bail everybody out; just pretend you're on your own and you'll be miles ahead. Other countries are way ahead of the USA with this idea, which is really embarassing. The oil companies DO have a lot of influence, but even they are beginning to look at alternatives, because they know it's running out. Just my opinion. Good luck!

  6. Unfortuantely I think we will be stuck to oil for many years ahead although we have many other great alternatives-oil comps do not want to loose money and will do whatever it takes!

  7. It is not the oil co. I am 77 and heard about running your car on water all my life. I have not saw one work yet.  The oil could get alright if the Democrats would permit Us to drill. We have the Chinese drilling between Florida  and Cuba. They are taking oil that we should be getting..

  8. Not unless governments grow some balls and reveal the truth. Bush is a puppet to his oil-rich mates. It is well known that the oil companies are using back door tactics to prevent development of clean fuel technologies. There's too much at stake for them and they have so much money they wield infinite power and influence - sadly, even over governments.

    Clean fuel technology such as hydrogen power for vehicles should be well advanced by now. Industry and governments should be investing much more into developing this. Sadly, oil-greed prevents these innovations from seeing the light of day.

  9. Fuel cells work.  The diifculty so far has been a hydrogen fueling infrastructure, but important strides have been made in recent years.  Within 10 years you will see hydrogen being generated all over the US and hydrogen fuel-cell powered vehicles on the road in all 50 states.  Within 20 years they will outnumber internal combustion engines.  Sure, oil companies are invested in their current technology, but they have also been some of the biggest investors in fuel cell research.  Changes on this scale take time.

  10. There are many claims out there about running your car on water, this has been around for years, but the only ones that I see promoting it are the ones wanting to sell you a how to book.

    If I had an old junker cars and disposable income I would buy one just for the fun of seeing if it did work.

    However it seems to me that if I had the technology, I would be putting these systems into used cars I could find cheep and then selling them, thus making more money that I would on selling a book.

    Much as Honda is doing with their Hydrogen fuel cell car.

    Of course some of these alternatives do work, and the oil companies have been buying them up as fast as they could and then burying them.

    however there are a lot of electric conversion available today, you can find many of them on E Bay.

    There are also a lot of new electric cars on, or soon to be on the market.

    and electric charging stations would help to solve the distance per charge problem.

  11. Of course oil corps are conspiring against alternative energy sources, but they can not do this forever. As gas prices continue to rise, more and more people are looking for an alternative energy source. CNG (compact natural gas) is being used to run cars and it is only around a dollar a gallon depending where you live. LPG (liquid propane gas) is also used to run cars and is about a dollar and a half cheaper than gas today. Fuel cells are very promising but the debate about how to distribute them on a large scale around the nation is still there. In 10 years i believe CNG, LPG and even some fuel cell cars will be on the road, people can not afford to continue paying for gas, gas will only continue to go up.

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