
Ok, I'm 5' 5'' 125 lbs, age 20, trying out track and field, what event would suite my size?? please help me.?

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  1. Short sprints. Shorter people have strong thigh muscles and explosive speeds.

  2. well, ur a bit short, so jumping is out. unless ur really good at sprinting, don't go for sprinting at age 20, because u don't have to much to improve. try long distance, but u need a lot of endurance, but u can train for that. also, since ur a bit short, try shotput, discus, javelin, hammer, etc. because height doesn't matter for that.

  3. Well, using the recent olympics as a reference, most of the people that won the short sprints and jump competitions were pretty tall. I think 5' 5'' would be a disadvantage at 100 m, 200 m, and 400 m, and also for hurdles. It would be a disadvantage for long, high and triple jump.

    Your best shot would be in endurance tests like the 5000 or 10000 m, even marathon where conditioning is the main factor. You'd still have to compensate for a short stride though. March could be an option too.

  4. Well, what are ur strengths? if ur really fast then go for short distance. if not go for long distance. it all depends on how good you are at a certain event.  

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