
Ok, I'm kind of shy and I wanna not be anymore?

by  |  earlier

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ok, as i said I'm shy and i wanna like be able to talk to people, but I'm home schooled and I like don't get that much practice and stuff. i mean i go to events like youth group, or maybe our highschool's football games, but everyone always says like, "oh she NEVER talks" and stuff. I know you may think i'm stupid. any advice??




  1. I had this same problem.  The trick is to stop caring what other people think of you.  If you don't care what other people think, and you truly accept yourself, you can say whatever you want to whomever you want and it doesn't matter.  

  2. First,you should just talk to an imaginary someone alone.Then,try to get to know someone you've never met with before.Talk a little and stuff like that.Then,start talking to more and more people.

    And don't worry,I was like that also!=)

  3. You will gradually break out of being extremely quiet as time goes on.  It will come naturally.  When a child has been homeschooled and not around a lot of kids, they are sometimes at a loss for words in a crowd of people since they have had to only converse at home and with family mostly.  Homeschooling has that one drawback--- but homeschooling is wonderful also.  Anyway, as you meet new people and learn to trust them, you will grow socially (that is the part of the individual that is a little dwarfed in the homeschooling arena).  Just keep on going to social events, and as people get to really know you, some will want to be your friend, and you and them will open up and be great friends.  --- Be Encouraged   --- Toni D.  

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