
Ok, I have a sore tooth that has been bugging me for months...?

by  |  earlier

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I have been to the dentist and he says there is nothing wrong with the tooth- no cracks, cavities, abcess etc- he is leaning toward sinus infection...I am on antibioitcs to no avail...any ideas??




  1. If it is sinus infection the antibiotics should clear it up remember it will take a while for them to work and you must finish the course whatever you do.

    You may even need a different antibiotic sometimes one type fails to work on the infection so they have to try a different one.

    Have you any other symptoms eg cattarrah or mucus in the nose or pain above the eyes or down the side of your nose.

    You could also try flushing your sinuses out using half a teaspoonful of salt and half a teaspoonful of baking soda to 1pt warmed water you can see how to do this on line . You hold one nostril closed and sniff in the water through the open nostril, this helps clean out your sinuses.

    It is not very pleasant to do I can assure you as I have had to do this myself,but it does clean out your sinuses and helps clear the infection.You should do it twice daily  till it clears

  2. if you grind your teeth when you sleep that could make it hurt or it could be sensitive to hot our cold . you should  probably get a second opinion.

  3. I'm no dentist but one told me that pain can "radiate" from a nearby site and make the tooth you "feel" hurting not the actual site of the oain you are experiencing- hope this helps

  4. maybe its the tooth fairys fault!!!

  5. Please get a second dental opinion, it will cost a visit but something similar happened to me years ago.  

    Good Luck.

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