
Ok, I think I will become a proud vegetarian. I dont eat enough, maybe 100cals at most.?

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I do not eat enough, I am too scared. All my friends think I have Anorexia Nervosa, but god d**n I cant seem to eat, because I get to scarred. However, the idea of being a vegetarian seems not soo bad, and I would still be able to eat fruits and veggies, plus tofu or any other meat substitute, what do you guys think? Will I gain weight? I weigh 98lbs and I do NOT want to gain anymore weight at 5"3 tall. If I still watched my calories and was a vegetarian i wouldn't gain much weight right?




  1. You are not on your way to becoming a "proud vegetarian", but rather on the way toward becoming a stupid, dead little girl.

    People have responded to your questions here by telling you that your eating habits are unhealthy. They have told you that your attitude to food and your beliefs about your appearance and weight are seriously wrong.

    But you're not going to do anything about that, are you? No, of course not, because they're not telling you what you want to hear and in you're so immature and self-obsessed that you can't cope with uncomfortable truths. You say you're scared of eating, but I think what you're really scared of is living, and you're such a coward that you'd rather die than grow up and deal with the big, bad adult world.

    You have two choices: get help or die. While you're trying to decide which is better, why don't you leave us alone?

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