According to my tcyof chart using fertility signs as number 1 predictor i ovulated on cd8 but looking at my chart on FF which looks clearer to me, and using all the same info-i think i ovulated on cd9.
My ovulation tests(which are not stored in the bathroom) keep testing positive-4th day now.
i think i am only 8dpo and my temp did drop today. I am going to wait for a few days to test-see if it goes back up, my aunt flow isnt due for about two weeks.
there's my chart, please dont just tell me you think i am pregnant, id like opinions on my chart. I already have a feeling i am but need some good opinions on my chart.
Also, I had a thick white discharge come out this morning-not sure what it was but thought id add.
other symptoms so far(but trying not to read into them so soon)-tender/sore b*****s(sides),constipation,heartburn,cr... headaches,and back aches.