
Ok, folks. Your predictions: Hopkins vs. Calzaghe. Winner gets 10 points?

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I'll be out of the world for the next 3 days, I won't even know who won until sunday night, so I have to ask know. Who do you think will win the fight, and how. If ko/tko, pick the round, if decision, pick unan/split and the score. The winner gets 10 points and a set of porcelain dalmations.




  1. Hopkins by UD, by a wider margin than most think:




  2. Well, I guess this is put up or shut up time for my decision, huh? No more undecided talk for me.

    Well, I'm going to assume that this will be Hopkins last fight in which he'll still have something left in his tank. With that being said, I think the scorecards will be all over the place with a majority decision........ 115-113, 117-111, 114-114.

  3. I don't think it will go the full distance. They're both great fighters but I think Joe Calzaghe will win it by knockout. The round? Let's make it the 5th.

  4. Calzaghe wins by UD




  5. Hopkins UD

  6. Calzaghe is looking to prove something.  He wants to shut up the remaining few who think he's not the genuine article.  He thought he had accomplished this when he beat up Jeff Lacey.  All he really did was expose what a dumb fighter Lacey is.  He kept making the same errors over and over.

    Calzaghe did prove quite a bit by beating up on Jeff.  He just made it look easier than anyone thought.  Now, even though people see Lacey for the inept fighter he is they still don't want to give Calzaghe any credit.  

    Against Hopkins, Calzaghe will finally have his win over a ligitimate champion.   Sure people will say he beat up an old man but when is the last time Bernard was ever beaten up?  Was he ever?   He lost close ones to Jones and Taylor but look at his career compared to their's.  

    Bernard was a great champion but Calzaghe just has his number.  I think it will be a good fight and a close one.  Benard will make it messy at times but he will come up short.

    Calzaghe W12

  7. calzaghe wins by close unanimous decision.

    116 - 113 *2, and one score of 115 - 114

  8. overall this is what should happen:

    If the fight were to end in a decision Calzaghe might just take it split or unanimous (most likely split) decision because of his stamina. He will throw a barrage of punches to live up to his reputation.

    If the fight were to end up in a knockout I think it would the right hand straight from Hopkins that put Calzaghe in his place. Seriously Hopkins out of the two is the dominant puncher and a KO would be more to his favour. His chances of winning by points or TKO are very slim.

  9. hopkins by KO. yea i know, no one sees that happening, but they're both gonna be trtying to prove something. i think calzaghe will get frustrated after throwing a ton of ineffective punches at the cagey hopkins and end up being too aggresive and making himself vulnerable at which point hopkins will land one of the right hands that he throws his body behind. KO by hopkins in round 11.

  10. Initially I had Hopkins by a close decision and I do not believe there will be a knockout either way.  I think now that Calzagne will win a close but unanimous decision.  Scores will be 115-113, 115-113, and 116-112.

  11. The more I look at Calzaghe, I try to figure out how he has lasted so long WITHOUT getting knocked out. His style is off, basically amateurish (flurrying 100 punches a round is how you win golden gloves) and has open flaws with his stance, keeps his hands low, balance is off...etc.

    But I guess my point is, if I see it, so does Hopkins.

    Im still standing by my principle. You are only as good as your pedigree. And unfortunately Hopkins class of opponents are in a completely different stratosphere than what Calzaghe has fought. Even at Nards age, he is still fighting an injury free body, which he treats better than most pro atheletes when they are young.

    Practicality first told me that Calzaghe was going to win on sheer volume. But I am going to amend that now. I think Hopkins sees a serious flaw in Calzaghes armor...or else he wouldnt have pursued fighting Calzaghe.

    Hopkins, UD, and reasonably one sided.

  12. Hopkins, ref stops the fight in the 8th, cos of Joe's bad hands.

  13. hopkins

  14. Just to kick things off...Hopkins has not KO'd anyone since he fought Oscar (who started his pro career at 130) in 2004. He couldn't even take out Winky (a natural Light Middle), so what chance has he got of knocking out a natural Super Middle/ Light Heavy who has a very solid chin? I take it you did watch Joe's fight with Mikkel Kessler, whereby he took all of Kessler's best shots...

    There is a very good chance that by all rights, Calzaghe should give Hopkins a thrashing that should end his career. But Hopkins will probably retire, then un-retire, and seek "one last payday" against an equally faded Roy Jones.

    People go on about how great Hopkins is, because he defended the Middleweight title (or portions of it) so many times. Who did he beat? Morrade Hakkar and William Joppy? And then at Light Heavy, he beat a guy (Tarver) who had to lose 40 Ibs after beefing up to Heavyweight to act in Rocky VI, and then at 170 Ibs, beat a blown-up Light Middle. He'll get into the Hall Of Fame, no question (lets face it, they let Barry McGuigan in), but they are hardly accomplishments worthy of making him 'legendary'.

    He was unwilling to gamble when Roy Jones outclassed him, and he avoided a fight with James Toney. People tout Hopkins as a legend, but he is no more than a very good boxer and title holder - call a Spade a Spade. Lots of Americans agree with this view. When someone asked Russel Peltz, the legendary promoter of the Blue Horizon club in Philadelphia, whether Hopkins could have beaten Hagler, Peltz LAUGHED, and just said: "Hopkins? Beat Hagler? Hey, Hopkins couldn't have even beaten [Bennie] Briscoe." While I feel that Hopkins would have beaten Briscoe, he certainly would not have beaten Hagler, no matter how much people make of the fact that Hagler was a Southpaw.

    But to give Hopkins his due - he is a defensive master, and as brilliant at taking away the opponent's chief weapon. But he cannot take away Calzaghe's hand speed, agility and workrate. Hopkins is too old to live with the workrate of Calzaghe - maybe ten years ago, but not now. When he fights, Hopkins has absolutely no urgency. He seeks a pace befitting a drunken snail, and I feel Calzaghe's workrate - 1000 punches thrown in a 12 round fight - speed, agility and concrete chin will see him beat Hopkins by Split Decision (115-113 Calzaghe, 114-113 Hopkins, 116-112 Calzaghe - I have a sneaky feeling that the judges may get desperate, and try and score the fight closer than it actually is, in an attempt to save Hopkins from defeat), or maybe even overwhelm B-Hop for a late - 11th or 12th round - stoppage victory, completely ensuring his place in Cannastota. After that, Calzaghe should retire. He will have nothing left to prove to himself, or to anyone.

    That's all, folks.

  15. I think the fight will be pretty boring, with Calzaghe outworking Hopkins with bunches of ineffective punches.  Calzaghe UD (115-113) across the board.

    Personally I hope Hopkins wins.

  16. Calzaghe By UD.

    One thing you have to have to beat Bernard is mental toughness. Calzaghe had to deal with some real tough stuff in his fight with Kessler and he made adjustments and came out on top. I think that toughness coupled with his chin, stamina and speed will bedevil Bernard.

  17. Calzaghe by U.D,

  18. Calzaghe by S.D.

  19. I think Bernard Hopkins is going to show his age, Calzaghe will out work B-hop and win a split decision.  115-113  115-113 for Joe and one even 114-114.  Oops, make that a majority decision, my mistake.

  20. Calzaghe KO's the racsit in the 8th round!!

  21. calzaghe

  22. Hopkins wins UD,




  23. fuc it ima say hopkins by TKO  im sure most likely it wont happen but nobody is predicting that

  24. I'm rooting for my boy B-Hop 'til the end, but I have to go with my gut and my gut says Joe Calzaghe by unanimous decision with scores of 116-112, 116-112, and 115-113.

  25. My prediction is that we'll get a fight that starts out at a furious pace, then dwindles into Joe chasing Bernard for the middle rounds, then two rounds of Bernard trying to do his "make-up work" and take the last two rounds.  

    It will meet the expectations for such a big fight, but not exceed them.  I see Joe "White Boy" Calzaghe winning a split decision, with one judge seeing it HEAVILY in Bernard's favor, the other two giving it to Calzaghe by 2-3 points.  The dirt cloud hovering over the ring after the fight will be the string of obscenities flying from the mouth of BHop when he learns 1) that he lost, and  2) that Oscar just dropped him from Golden Boy Promotions for making a stupid, racist remark about Calzaghe's skin color, and then losing to him.

    JUDGES' SCORES:  116-12, 115-113 (Calzaghe) and 117-111 (Hopkins)

  26. Hopkins wins by a close but well deserving decision in a very tactical fight. 116-112; 115-113; 115-113. The loser will complain about a robbery I believe.

  27. Calzaghe by late TKO. (10-12 rounds he will have dominated, and he will have Hopkins in trouble and the ref will step in with Calzaghe going windmill on Hopkins).

  28. Joe should win the fight but this is boxing baby!If you want to read about this fight head on over to they have a write-up on the fight and also a forum where you can go and chat about this and many other fight related stuff.

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