
Ok, how do I actually contact help? Yahoo TV is quite broken and this annoys me greatly.?

by  |  earlier

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Yahoo TV was great, it was my favorite service. Today it's broken. I entered my zip code.

Yahoo refuses to show listings for today/now. Instead I get to look at listings for midnight. Yay. The timezone in my profile settings are correct.

Also it is missing a channel I often watch. I checked on zap2it and the channel is listed.

I'm also more amused than annoyed that channel 4 is just above channel 40. Thats amateur hour. I mention it because I was initially very ticked that channel listings apparently began at 11.

Finally my annoyance was greatly increased when I could not find any links to actually contact customer support.

Ok I feel a little better now but I would like some solutions!!!





  1. I have to chime in with the same complaint. I still have my channels on MyYahoo, but there are only a handful of shows that have links - and none of the networks are set up with a link. I used to be able to click on a channel and see everything for the day for that channel. Right now, Yahoo TV is pretty useless to me. I think I'm going to start using other sites (that work).

    Oh, and going in to edit the channels is probably one of the worse designs I've ever seen.

    Do they ever have real users test this stuff? No wonder Yahoo is going downhill. This is a mess. Actually, I don't know of any of their recent changes that I would necessarily consider an improvement. Evidently somebody likes all of this, because it seems like once it's forced on you, it doesn't change.

  2. I am having the same problem along with the time zone has changed.  It has a spot on it where you can customize it to fit your needs; however, whenever I click on the 'select a provider' screen, there are no providers to choose from.  It is aggravating.  I went under the help menu and sent them an email, but have not received a response.

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