
Ok, hows this opening line for my cover letter to film/ tv/theatre NY agents?

by  |  earlier

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I'm young, no one can ever correctly guess my nationality, and I'm a born and raised New Yorker who can take the punches and laugh it off. So, let's do this!




  1. Not good at all.  It should be more like this:

    Hi, my name is ___ _____ and I am thrilled to be writing to you!  I am a __ year old who is so enthusiastic about the acting business.  I'm a born and raised New Yorker who can take punches and laugh it off.  I am a mix of so many things, almost no one can guess my nationality.  I hope to work with you in the near future.  Thank you so much for this wonderful opportunity!

    I am an actress and letters like this REALLY help.  They make you sound professional and serious about your work.  Your previous opening line sounded immature and unprofessional, which is not how you want to come across to the agents.  Break a leg and I hope this helped!  

    I encourage you to take this seriously and re-write that section.

  2. huh? i dont get the whole nationality thing but other than that its pretty good. you should also include how much you like acting and stuff.

  3. uh uh... no way. Agents want to look at professional letters. Save the quirkiness for the interviews. What you need to do is ask for representation. Don't ramble off your life story or tell about the jobs you've done (you have your resume for that. Just say that you are asking for representation, and that you've enclosed a head shot and a resume for you and (If you are) booking regular jobs. DO NOT LIE THEY WILL KNOW! the last thing you want is to lie about booking jobs and the work on your resume. How embarrassing it would be for you if you got caught, so don't do it!

    Good Luck!

  4. If you want it to be tossed in the trash, sure.  

    They are professionals; they expect a professional attitude--something more like "I am seeking representation with your agency."

  5. With no real offense, hopefully you have other career paths in mind.

      That might be something you can say, in some URBAN attitude when being interviewed and still be treated kindly with a "Thanks, we'll call you" BUT it will be in the shredder, sooner than the ink dries, otherwise, as suggested.

       I'm not trying to be rude, but wonder why so many take these issues so casually, and not professionally?

    Just my 2 "Scents"

    S. WOLF

    Kudos RightAsRain

  6. Born and raised New Yorker, fresh with a face that many cultures would claim.  Resilient, assertive and talented, Let's do this thing!

  7. Idiotic at best.  Dear, everyone on this site wants to get into show business and 99.999% of them never will.  You don't write this type of a letter to an agent.  You are a minor first of all, and agents don't deal with minors.  If you sent a letter like this (or any other) it would be laughed at and thrown away immediately!

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