
Ok, i'm 14. And a bunch of people think i'm somewhat pretty, Will I get prettier by the age 16???!!?

by  |  earlier

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Some people think i'm pretty, my boyfriend thinks i'm hot/gorgeous/beautiful, and he calls me one of those all the time. But on the other hand some people think i'm ugly, and that brings my self esteem down. I know that has nothing to do with what i'm asking but please give me a precise answerr.




  1. Who knows .

    If yr popular yr prly gna end up pregnant & fat when yr like 20 :|

  2. Picture??

  3. at 16 ur still a kid,u reach the real beauy when u become 18 and at 22-24 u have ur best look.all females are like that.

  4. you shouldnt worry about it. i've only seen ppl grow prettier not uglier lol

    and you should believe what ur boyfriend tells you, or hold on to the thought that you actually have a boyfriend who thinks ur beautiful even if other jealous kids don't.

  5. Would you rather have your crush call you ugly and some people you dont particularly care about call you beautiful? Ignore the ones you dont care about.  

  6. I wish I could give you an answer that was definite but just like everyone else I'm unable to. However I do think it is likely as you are already pretty that you will stay that way if you lead a normal and healthy lifestyle. As for the people who think you are ugly, what has it got to with them? Most probably they are jealous. x

  7. by the age of 16 you'll be prettier cause in the age of 14 and 13 we look like we're still children but from 16 we look teenagers  

  8. I've gotten prettier since 14 (i hope anyway) so yeah. my figures better etc as well xxxxxxxxxxxxx

  9. If you really Pretty Now your face will mature in 2 years and yes you will be stunning, and if a lot of people say you're preety and you know you are then ignore what the other mean people have to say because the truth is they envy you, they want your looks, as hard as it may sound when they tell you're ugly say "that's cool"

  10. I think if you are pretty now you will most likely be when you are 16! And ignore the ppl calling you uglythat just makes them the ugly ones!!!

    Please answer mine?

  11. There will never be a time when everyone thinks you are beautiful.  Different people think different things are pretty and there is no such thing as a universal prettiness.

  12. no one knows,you could be dead then,looks arnt everything!!

  13. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

    Ignore those who say you're ugly, because everyone is beautiful in their own unique way.


  14. does it really matter?

    only time will tell.

    wait. like everybody else.

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