
Ok, i've decided to go for gaining pure strength what should I do?

by  |  earlier

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I've heard more weight less reps is good, however i don't know how MUCH weight i should do. any way to find out? like what % of my max 5 times 3 sets?




  1. Think about your goals,,, then workout accordingly.

    What kind of strength do you mean?  Do you want to be able to flip over a car, once? Or do you want to be able man handle another person in a wrestling match for 5 minute strait? Consult a trainer... this is your best bet.

    From my experience, you can also get great advice from people you meet at the gym.  They may seem intimidating at first but if you show up on a regular basis for a few weeks(most people don't) they will respect you.  

    For pure mass, I would go with low reps.  Do a set or 2 of 10 reps at a low weight and get the blood flowing, then start stacking on the weight slowly and lower your reps.  A little bit at a time, until you fail, then have your partner help you beyond that point, a litttle bit.

    Try this....

    2 x 10 (warm up)

    8 reps

    4 reps

    2 reps

    1 rep

    Then do a rep or 2 at a weight that you can't complete without help, but try as hard as you can.

    The best thing you can do is consult a trainer... It can be expensive though, I can't afford one either.

    Remember this, what you gain in the gym is only 50 percent the work that you do, the other 50 percent is about your diet... eat good... lots of protein and carbs... and give your muscles plenty of rest between workouts, 5 day at least for each muscle group.  For mass it is best to only do one muscle group a day.

    Eat heavy... Lift heavy...  Rest...  Repeat...  

    Good Luck!!


  2. Best book for you to learn is Franko Culumbo. He was my favorite! Yes More weight less reps to gain strenght and bulk. The best way to find out out how much weight is for instance, bench press. Start with a wieght you have never done before, So like if you bench press 175lbs, slap on 200lbs. How many reps can you do? 1? 3? if it`s 1 rep then you would start with 180lbs then 190lbs last set with 200lbs. You shold be doing 3 sets of 4-8 reps and of course your last one you might only push out 3-4. get it? Good luck! Be sure and eat! bulk up!! The more and heavier you lift the bigger your appetite will get. You are what you eat so choose wisely;o) Go get that book, it`s an oldy but a goody!!! He is a big beliver in isometricsm, excellent for weight training.

  3. Work on the "pyramid method." That's what most people do. You start out doing reps of 10, then 8, then 6, etc. And each time, you raise the weight. Enough where you can do that many reps, but not too much that you can't do it.

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