
Ok, i am 24 yrs old and weigh 226 lbs and i am 5 10' male...i've been fat all my life. i really want to lose?

by  |  earlier

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weight, but i am just not motivated,, its weird cuz i'll run on the treadmill everyday for a week straight eat good and everything, then the next week i get deppressed and eat eat eat and stop running, i don't know why... i recently lost my mom who i was really close too and i just get deppressed and start eating. i dunno what to do, i really want to lose the weight. about 2 years ago is when i lost my mom, i weighed 280 lbs, then after she passed i got down to 220. with out no exercise.. but my problem is i can't get motivated for the life of me... so my question is has anyone been in my sorta situation?? and was able to lose the weight and stay motivated,, when i lost the weight it was such a goooooood feeling having everyone say how good i look, that was the only thing that made me keep goiong, plz someone give me some advice, i am ready to loose it!!! plz no rude comments, thank you!!!also this is kinda funny but with me going from 280 - 220 i still can't get rid of my man b***s.. whats the deal with that?? any advice???? no rude comments plz, thanks




  1. Good luck with losing the weight.

    You don't need to go on a diet, but change your eating and exercising habits between now and the day you pass on.

    Speaking of dying, every few pounds you lose now will add years to your life.

    I hope you get over your depressions, as they seem to affect your food input, and chances are that you didn't excercise much when you were depressed too.

    The fact is that many people who are overweight into their adult lives are destined to remain fat, just like many chain smokers are destined to remain smokers until the day they die or have a quadruple heart bi-pass.

    And believe it or not many people who are rude to you are trying to get you to understand that you need to do something about your weight before it is to late. And  I'm talking about heart problems, strokes, diabeties, high blood pressure, impotence, body odor, kidney and liver problems,

    Of course there are many cruel people out there with nothing better to do than insult a fat person.

    You seem to be very serious about correcting your weight problem and I hope you are one of those few seriously overweight prople who do get down to their proper weight ( and stay there). But there are many many people who as much as they try never seem to succeed.

    I hope you beat the odds and learn to love life, not food.

  2. I'm so sorry about your Mom. I was over weight most of my life and I tried every diet fad that was out there and I finally gave up. Years later and 100lbs heavier I seen an infomercial on t.v. I've seen it many many times before but this time I actually watched it. I was so convinced it would work that I bought it. It was Michael Thurmond's 6 week body makeover. It guarantees you will lose 35lbs in 6 weeks or your money back. I tried it for 6 weeks and lost 37lbs. You don't have to stop after 6 weeks, you can keep going until you reach your goal. But the thing that got me motivated was my health risks. I had gotten high blood pressure due to my yo yo dieting, and then I found out I was borderline diabetic. But if you can't do it for you, than do it for your Mom, you know she wants the best for you and for you to be healthy and happy.

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