
Ok, i am a bit confused! what is the difference between vegetarian and vegan?

by Guest10763  |  earlier

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one category eats dairy products and other doesn't? and if so then which?





  1. Vegetarians don't eat meat. They eat eggs and dairy products though, but no live animal products.

    Vegans don't eat any food from an animal.

  2. Vegetarian's don't eat flesh but Vegans tend to preach about it.  Please everyone, go and join the vegan club, leave all the juicy red meat to me.......................

  3. Vegans do not consume any meat or any byproduct produced by an animal (such as dairy items). Vegetarians just don't eat meat.

  4. True Vegans dont eat anything derived from animals, nor do they wear leather etc.

  5. Vegetarians don't eat dead animals.  Meaning no meat and no slaughter byproducts, like meat broths, animal fat, gelatin, etc...  They may, however, eat foods that come from living animals, like dairy, eggs and honey.

    Vegans don't eat, use, wear, purchase or otherwise consume anything of animal origin, whatsoever, regardless of whether the animal died for it (Michael H is right, though, that perfection is impossible - we do what we can, though.)  We don't eat meat, slaughter byproducts, dairy foods, eggs or honey, and we don't wear leather, suede, fur, silk, wool, down, feathers or pearls.  We source cosmetics, toiletries and other consumer goods that are made without animal ingredients and without animal testing, and we don't support industries that exploit animals for entertainment, like circuses or rodeos.

  6. Vegetarians don't eat meat.  Vegans don't eat any animal products... that includes honey, milk, butter, eggs, etc.

  7. From a brilliant vegetarian friend of mine (who runs marathons and certainly doesn't need to take pills or supplements -- his diet is probably healthier than anyone I else I know...)

    "A vegetarian won't eat anything that ever had a face.

    A vegan won't eat (or wear, or otherwise use) anything that had a face, and won't eat/wear/use any byproducts of things that had faces."

    Which is why vegans don't eat honey or dairy produce, and won't wear leather or use soaps etc that contain animal fat.

    Hope that helps (or at least is amusing). :-D

  8. Vegetarians dont eat meat at all. Vegan dont eaat meat or use/wear/eat anything byproduct of animals - eg a lot of vegans dont wear leather, and they dont eat dairy product etc. vegetarians and vegans also need to take vitamins and pills because when they cut out all that food they dont get the things they need for a healthy life that they would normally get out of those foods

  9. About 200 calories.   :)

    Wow, Michael, that last statement is what I've been screaming about ever since I got in here. Thank you.

  10. Vegans don't Eat anything that comes from animals(like Dairy or Meat). Vegetarians Don't eat Meat.

  11. I've read the others answers and think i can add a bit:

    A vegetarian, by definition, is a person who lives on a diet of cereals,nuts, fruit, vegetables with, or without, the consumption of eggs and dairy. They exclude all meat, fish, poultry and slaughter by products.

    A fair few vegetarians reduce or elliminate eggs/dairy and avoid goods made from slaughter by-products such as leather.

    Vegans do thier utmost to avoid any animal exploitation. This includes any foods made from animal products, slaughter or otherwise. It also includes any products made from animals, ( inc silk, wool ) or services that use them ( such as horse racing ).

    Anyone who says they avoid ALL animal products / exploitation is probably not looking at all the detail of what they do / use. Its almost impossible to live in the 21st century without having some impact on animals. This does not negate the rest of what they do though.

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