
Ok, i am a total jonas brothers fan and i absolutly adore them... where can i get a back pack with them on it?

by Guest34298  |  earlier

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it can be any kind of bag as long as they r on it (not camp rock if possible) also i need a way to tell my mom she doesnt know i like them but she she knows i like there music




  1. i dont know where to get a bag other that target but that is camp rock. i just bought a mag with them and said that i liked them and they really didnt care  

  2. and go under store they have soooo maby jonas things

  3. you could check da disney store or they have them at target  

  4. they have some at Limited too

    && ive also heard at hot topic..


  5. why do you want that c**p in your life?

  6. f**s-R-US

    ...yeah you can

    fine one their.

  7. I've seen them at Target stores (Camp Rock ones) and I've seen bags in the mall at stores like Claire's with the Jonas Brothers on them. I've wanted to get one too, but I didn't want to pay the high price for the one in Claire's. Hope this helped!!

  8. The disney store in anymall. They have camp rock back packs.

    They're pretty cute:P

    Hope I helped.

    Peace, Love &Jonas.

  9. ohh theres this store called libby lu. its at the mall and its a total girly girl store and it has jonas brothers backpacks and stuff. haha its not camp rock stuff. trust me :) hope i helped

  10. try the disney store they might have them you can also check disney on-line :)

  11. maybe walmart or target

  12. I think I saw some at claires. Target has camp rock but if you dont want that you could check the jonas brothers merchandise website or I'm they have tshirts but they probably have backpacks too. And maybe if you have a Disney store. I like them too and have trouble finding stuff with just them. Its all camp rock hannah montana and HSM! Good luck!

  13. Are you in Elementary school or something?

    Kids at my school get teased up the ca-zoo if they wear Jonas Brother things.

    Maybe you can find it at Target or Wal-Mart.


  14. u can find some cool ones on ebay!

  15. Anyone caught wearing one of these things needs to suffer 1000 slaps. And a brain transplant.  

  16. Try the little kids section of this store call "I have no life". They will have exactly what you're looking for...

  17. check out target or meijer especially target..



    TARGET HAS CAMP ROCK!!!!  i bougt the one with demi n joe. cuz joe is sexaaaaaaay n demis my idol, unlike dat hoe miley =] im going into 8th, and h**l NO!!!! i DONT GIVE A **** WHAT ANYONE SAYS!!! i love jonas brothers =]

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