
Ok, i know superkarate and this kid wants to fight me but i told him he cant or else if i use death punch he w

by  |  earlier

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ill die... instantly, and then i will be charged with murdering him with a deadly weapon since i took karate for 3 months and will go to jail forever but he wont listen to me so he still wants to fight me? what should i do i dont want to maim him or kill and go to jail how can i convince?




  1. You know nothing! But you have made us laugh.  Stop bragging and grow the h**l up.  A little kid could probably take you.

  2. Just give him a fair fight, without killing him......

  3. avoid him

  4. Well I've never heard of superkarate, but it must be something else if you can lear to kill or maim someone after three months training

    One thing I do know, though, is that if some kid wants to fight you, and you give him that superkarate line, there's no way in heck he'll even believe you, let alone change his mind about trying to fight you; if anything it'll just make him thing you deserve to be beat down

    Myself, I've got about 12 solid years of martial arts training, but if I were trying to avoid a fight with someone, the last thing I'd do is tell the guy about it

  5. 3 One would hope that in that length of time you would have learned how little you actually know like using the least amount of force necessary to defend yourself...

    Never underestimate your opponent, believing you are invincible will only get you hurt.

  6. Not if it is self defense.  I suggest you use the 5 point exploding heart technique they used in Kill Bill because you aren't actually hitting him.  Plus the doctors will just write it off as a heart attack of some sort.

  7. Ok grasshopper here's what you do to convice other kid of "superkarate" DEATH PUNCH.  Take some play dough from where they keep it in your kindergarden class and make a big ball of different colored play dough then punch ball real hard with fist and say, "Next time that will be your head and I'll feed your mom and dad chicken fried rice" Maybe you might want to rename the punch to "Chickity China Chinese Chicken Punch" in stead of the "death punch".  The Death punch sounds too brutal and you don't want to scare all the kids in your kindergarden class.  Or another way to covince other kid is to find piece of really thin wood and ttake it to kindergarden class with you and make sure other kid is watching and demonstrate the "death punch" now called the "Chickity China Chinese Chicken Punch" be breaking it violently with hand.  This technique get you lots of girlfriends and make all kids in kindergarden class let you have building blocks first every morning.  Or a third option is to punch all toys in kindergarden class and when other kid asks, "What are you doing" you say, "I'm practicing Chickity China Chinese Chicken Punch it kill great many enemy when I was in pre-school".  Then other kid conviced of "Chickity China Chinese Chicken Punch"  and always stay on other side of romper room.  Watch a lot of kung-fu movie too.  Get lots of technique from movie and have ability to jump fourty feet into air.  Always impresses girls in kindergarden class.  All technique name after animals are always most dangerous technique in all of kindergarden even if other kid study "superpowerrangerform".

  8. Although I really doubt your death punch, It seems to me that you've still got a lot to learn if all you know is to kill. Even giving you the benefit of the doubt, any martial art that teaches its students to kill without teaching them the core stuff is seriously seriously flawed--and i'm not even referring to skills and techniques anymore.

    You know what, if you do fight him, I bet you'll just roll around with him on the ground and you won't even hurt each other. Been there done/seen that..

    [sigh] memories...

  9. Hit him with the iron monkey fist elbow palm strike.  That will immobilize him for several hours after which time he will return to normal.  You do know the iron monkey I'm sure.

  10. Of course he still wants to fight you if he can stop laughing long enough to throw a punch that is..If I were him I would avoid it as you are obviously a brick short of a load someone has kicked the struts out of the windmills of your mind and it is more likely he will end up charged for beating the c**p out of you.

    That's it get him tossed in jail by beating you to  bloody pulp.

  11. hahaha! I'm really not sure if your joking or not, (hopefully you are), but there isn't anything called superkarate, and if your so good you would know how to use control.

  12. Are you effin' serious?

    3 months???


    Yeah,,,,,,,, RIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIGHT!!!!!!!

  13. Super karate.....LOL Sounds like a super troll.

    It really wouldn't matter if you were taking a real martial arts for 3 whole months. Chances are you wouldn't know enough to cause death or severe damage.

  14. Just let him play with the building blocks and move over to the choo-choo train.

  15. Right.... I say you do it and claim self defense.

  16. what is this super karate???????????.never heard of ot it.3 months woweeeeeeeeeeee. i am in awe,such knowledge,master.avoid this confrontation,talk to Sensei,train for another 10 years and you should be able to take care of yourself. good luck.

  17. lol william is right lol....

  18. LOL!!! LOL!!!!!!!!!!!

    Thanks! I needed a good laugh!

  19. i doubt u know super karate in just 3 months lol seriously....just walk away ^^

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