
Ok, i now saw the video of kfc cruelty but can not eating from there help prevent the cruelty?

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if we don't eat chickens from kfc will they stop mistreating animals with cruelty?

and what about other chicken products manufacturers like foster farms, tyson, jennyO's, and so on? do they have more conscience than KFC about slaughtering animals in order to make meats out of the alive animals

i find it hypocritical that many people argue eating KFC is immoral while they still eat lots of meats including beef and pork.




  1. I agree with you. I have a DVD about it. I got it for free. I don't understand it. It doesn't matter HOW you kill it. If people wanna get moral. Any way you kill it is wrong. But I still eat it, too.

  2. I guess the thing that people want to eat meat and enjoy eating meat.  And that is okay, we've been eating meat for ages.  But I do think that the animals we eat should be cared for in a good way and treated humanely.  It seems to me that man can provide a decent environment for them to exist in and provide a humane way to end their lives for our food purposes.  It is only greed and $$ that man doesn't care how the animal is treated, just as long as they produce enough meat for people and they get their $$.  I don't understand how these people can stand to look at these animals suffer and go to sleep at night and not be bothered by it.

  3. What you are buying in fast food stores is not meat. I stopped eating that c**p almost 20years ago. It was horrible then, I'm sure it hasn't improved. If enough people stop buying their products, they will have to close their doors.

  4. Many of the people who protest KFC's cruelty are vegetarians or vegans, so they aren't eating any meats. I've partaken in feed-ins before, providing vegan alternatives to the cruelty and c**p at fast food places.

    Others believe that if they're going to eat animals, the animals should have had as good a life as possible.  And most of the foods served at fast food dives are from animals who were utterly miserable from birth to death, so they protest that and suggest people eat less cruelly produced meats, which they call "humane."

    But even if an animal has a good life, s/he is still transported long miles to slaughterhouses and ends up in the same slaughterhouses as conventionally raised meats.  The only way to stop the cruelty is not to eat meat at all.

  5. The reason some are boycotting KFC is because of the mis-treatment of the livestock, not because it's meat.

      I do not see any hypocracy in a descision to not support animal creulty by not eating the meat that is produced under those circumstances.

       There are meat producers that treat their animals in a humane way, and there are butchering methods such as kosher or hallal that mindfull of the animal.

  6. yeah..i saw that video made me so sick...i having ate there since i saw that.....but i don't think it will stop the cruelty to the chickens....but i heard that KFC is under investagation about the abuse. i'm not against eating meat but when it comes to cruelty to them it's wrong. it's a way of life to kill and eat meat but not the way they are.

  7. its not about cruelty its about feeding the masses if they did it any other way they would lose $$$$

  8. Very true, pork is treated badly as well.

    I've heard that KFC gets its chicken from the same chicken producers that sell to grocery chains anyway.  So where is the root of the problem?  The producers.

    Unless there is momentous change, ie., everyone starts buying humanely/organically raised meat, and boycott normal chicken for a little while, nothing will change.

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