
Ok, i want to be fair so i ask those who know about trinidad.inform me about chaguaramas area...>>>?

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i have heard nothing but bad from travelers from the states coming back from trinidad and i want the truth.with so many islands to pcik from why should a person travel there when whites i am told are looked at for the muggings and it not being a safe place to get around in>>>>>>is it the same in the chaguaramas area and what if any are the beaches like close by there?




  1. Sandy, listen well to Trinisoccer. He is right on point.

  2. Sandy, read what I have to say and read it well.

    You do a little research, and pack your bags and go and have a great time in Trinidad.  Chaguaramas area is the Yatching community area.  I'm not going to lie to you yes there maybe a few crimes but it is a lovely area with alot to do.  Such as fishing, catching a trip to the small islands off of Trinidad.  There are a few nice hotels and it is not to far from the city.

    You have to past through Caranage to get there.  Caranage is now under development and is up and coming.

    Listen to me do as you would do on any vacation and be aware of your surrondings but you will have a blast. You will make new friends and I personally want to hear from you when you get back..

    Don't forget to enjoy a Carib beer in St. James, and a Hott Shoppe roti is nice with a Red Solo.

    Party till yuh drop and let the Posse know what a BLAST YOU HAD....

    Do your reshearch and ignore the haters.



  3. Crime levels are high, particularly in Port of Spain, San Fernando and other urban areas in Trinidad. Robberies with violence, including assaults and rape, occur frequently. Cruise ship passengers should take particular care when walking around the docks in Port of Spain. Gang and drug-related violence, including shootings and kidnapping, occurs and can affect bystanders. Crimes of opportunity such as petty theft tend to increase during the annual Trinidad Carnival in February or March, and during the Christmas holidays.  

    Canadians should be highly vigilant in Laventille and at popular tourist sites such as Fort George and La Brea (Pitch Lake), where crimes targeting foreigners have also been reported. Incidents of gangs following cars leaving Trinidad's Piarco Airport and robbing travellers once they reach their destination have been reported. Deserted beaches and unpopulated areas (e.g. scenic overlooks) should be avoided, especially after dark. Extra care should be taken when travelling late at night.

    Travellers should avoid visiting deserted and unpatrolled beaches due to the risk of crime. On certain beaches, security is provided from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. only.

    Tourists and foreign nationals are also victims of crime in Tobago.

    Visitors should seek the advice of local contacts and be vigilant, especially after dark. They should ensure that personal belongings and travel documents are secure at all times and that hotel room doors and windows are secure. They should not carry large amounts of cash nor show signs of affluence. Personal belongings and travel documents should never be left unattended.

    In case of emergency in Trinidad and Tobago, dial 990 for an ambulance or the fire department, and 999 for police.

  4. sandy please travel to Trinidad but be careful OK girl Trinidad is change crime is high 2005 carnival i was muget at chaguaramas Roger is right he write truth but some people don't like truth about Trinidad they want to stay in dark let them i don't want people misguide you just extra careful OK

    enjoy your trip must travel to Tobago

  5. sandy you want nice sandy beaches and a good time go to a peaceful island like Tobago stay in authors by the sea it's close to the pigeon point beach there's a little supermarket right there and alot of little food places around the area and about 10mins away from the capital Scarborough it is absolutely beautiful there trust me trinidad nuh uh and the people are nice to unless you meet some trini trying to stink up the place Tobago is a great get away place good luck

  6. Trinisoccer is on target!  So visit and just practice safe habits as you would normally do in your hometown.  Down de Islands are nice for bathing and sightseeing!

  7. Mr. Roger i planning on moving back to trinidad with my husband and u make d man read this and want to dead.

    i have never been a victim to crime and neither has any one in my family in trinidad. I used to work In a Marina in Chag. and i never heard any thing bad. Maybe now it change. I dont know.

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