
Ok, im starting 7th grade and tomorrow i will be taking algebra 1. Help!?

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my teacher thinks the work is too easy so he is moving me up. my im going to the high skewl to take this course and im really shy and scared to go?! are theyre any tips?




  1. Like the previous advice be sure to take thorough notes in class. This is extremely important. As you'll be in a high school class you might be intimidated to ask questions in class, but it's really important that you ask a question when you get into a jam with the work.

    Unless this is under different circumstances, I'm almost positive Algebra 1 is taken during the 8th grade. So you'll be in a class of 8th graders, not high schoolers, which makes a big difference. It will be much easier to ask questions then. But as for having to walk around the high school, you really shouldn't worry, it's definitely not as intimidating as you think. It's really good that you're ahead in math, I think that's the most important thing to remember. Best of luck.

  2. you must be a very smart kid. but look at it this way if ur only going to be in 7th grade and thats a high school corse you will get you high school math out of the way if you keep going up in math levels

  3. Your teacher must think you can handle the work if he's moving you up.  Don't worry, you'll be fine!!  Good luck!

  4. i'm at a school where young kids are on average 7th grade to do algebra if the are moved up.

    dont worry - take excellent notes and keep yr head down- dont show off to much- yr first test grade will be an indicator as to whether u need to put in some hard work.

    u can do it if u work hard!

  5. You already know how to study,and you like math.

    Like any math,algebra builds on basic principles. You MUST learn the basics of algebra,or none of it will make sense.

    Study well;I know this math will click for you and it will seem simple to you.

  6. Hi! don't worry when i was in 7th grade i tool algebra1 too! the thing that helped me most were notes. and remember to study and whatever you do DO NOT PROCRASTINATE! that totally messed me up but now i'm starting 9th grade and taking algebra2 ahead of alot of people and it's a good thing because i can start my college courses faster and get out of school faster. good luck ^.^ oh and another hint if you go to the internet page in the text book usually they have these online tutoring on each subject so that should help you if you blank out for a sec and missed what you teacher said. have fun!!!

  7. Im starting 7th 2. Actually ive already started. Dont worry. Its fine as long as you pay attention and TAKE NOTES!!! It helps soooo much.

  8. Wow!! You are smart i am just taking alegbra 1 next year (I will only be in 10th grade) You will get all ur math credits easy. You are so lucky!!!

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