
Ok, it's time to get serious now everybody. Can Ohio State make a 3rd straight NC Game?

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I know I know. They have lost the last 2. Well guess what, that was the last 2 seasons, not this season. Everyone can stop hating on the Buckeyes because your beloved team probably couldn't even win their own conference. Everyone still knows, even SEC Fans, that Ohio State was better than Florida 2 seasons ago, but I will even admit that LSU was the better team last season, maybe even USC. So just because they are in the running for another title run, let's not get jealous everone. The Buckeyes return virtually everyone this season, including a solid senior quarterback, the best running back, linebacker, and corner in the country. Oh yea, their O-line isn't too shabby either. I will take Ohio state over USC in week 2 by 10, then they march on to another trip to the title game in Miami, where they will face Georgia. Go ahead SEC fans, walk all over the Bucks again in the title game.........Not so fast my friends.....OSU 34 Bulldogs 20




  1. Ohio State will not win the big ten this year, let alone the nc game. They will, however, beat a weak U of M team. They just graduated to many good seniors last year.

  2. I really hope Ohio State makes it to the NC game this year.  This time they can lose to Gerogia.  Florida, LSU, then Goergia.  Three beatings by the SEC in a row to put the big ten in its place.

  3. You were better than a team that beat you 41-14? What kind of fantasyland do Buckeye fans live in?

    The thing that sucks is that teams like Ohio State and USC only have to play 2-3 tough games a year and get a free pass to the National Championship game where SEC teams play 5-6 and have to fight tooth and nail to get to the game.

  4. they might make it.but they will blow it hard for the third straight time

  5. with their schedule they have a shot at gettin back to the big game , but if you think that the buckeyes were better than florida 2 seasons ago you have lost your mind , the gators rolled over them like they were playing a high school team .  

  6. Well. O-Hi-No!!! Will get bulldozed by Mighty Trojans....

  7. The good old buckeye fans. Lets play no body all year(including Michigan), then since we were ranked top 3 at the start of the season we stay there all year. Then we go to national title game and get killed. LSU was a young team last year and cleaned them. Florida was by far a better team, hence why it looked like a varsity vs JV game. I mean even Carson Palmer knows they are a once great school that gets way to much credit for years and years of greatness...... a long time ago

  8. Georgia won't make it through the tough SEC schedule they have this year.  They'll lose at least 1 for sure, although if crazy things happen like last year and it is early in the season they might still get into the NC game.  Ohio State probably won't beat USC, but if they do they should walk through the Big 10 (except maybe at Wis.).......what a easy schedule they play.  I don't want to see them there again b/c of  Fla. 41 OSU 14 (better than Fla. are you kidding) and last year LSU 38 OSU 24.  

  9. Ok, I do think its very possible for OSU to make it to the third straight National Championship game.   They are a decent team, and should have another good season.  

    BUt I hope that was a typo up there when you said OSU was a better team than Florida.   Not only was Florida a better team for the 2006-2007 season than OSU, so were at least 5 other teams in the SEC.(LSU, Arkansas, Tenessee, Auburn, and Georgia)    I'm sorry, I've seen games where the better team got beat on some trick plays, or a little bit of luck(Oklahoma vs Boise State/Alabama vs ULM), but OSU was throroughly whipped by Florida.  LSU Proved who the better team was also.  

    I can see OSU beating USC....but I wouldn't bet on a 10 pt spread.   As far as the National Championship game goes....OSU better hope their playing a non SEC team, or it will be 3 in a row.    

  10. whatever, little by little osu is losing my respect. they won't go back to the national championship. ive tried to tell people in the buckeye friendly forums my views on the team but they're way too selfish to even listen to anyone but themselves. i don't know, im starting to lose interest in this team and college. the people that attend the school suck too.  

  11. As long as they don't run out of steroids and HGH they will have a shot. Michigan and Wisconsin don't have a shot this year. Illinois might be ok, but it is an even weaker conference this year than normal.

  12. It might be good for college football if they did and got spanked again. That may finally prove to everyone that the current system sucks.  

  13. Here we go again. I guess we'll have to listen to this stuff untill OSU plays a REAL team. Mercifully they will be playing one early this year and not waiting for the nc game for some competion.

  14. For OSU to make it to the championsship game, they would need to beat 2 top 10 teams at home(USC and Wisconsin). In 2006 they had to beat the number 2 team in the country twice at their place. it is obviouse OSU plays a weak schedule, or people are compete morons. I hink OSU has a 50 50 shot at the big one this year, based soley on schedule. They are clearly one of the best teams.

  15. sec is tough and os is in rebuild mode

  16. georgia beats usc 35-23

  17. OSU certainly has the talent to go the distance this year.  Whoever thinks this is a rebuilding year is nuts; that was last year and we still made it.  This year we have incredibly strong senior leadership, several players that could be in the NFL right now but chose to come back, and most importantly: about 20 returning starters!  This year's squad has as much or more talent than anyone else in the country.  Compound that with a schedule with only 2-3 speedbumps and they could easily go undefeated.

    The USC game will make or break their season from a NC standpoint.  A win in the colliseum against another top 5 team legitimizes them as the team to beat for the rest of the year.  They will be ranked number 1 until they lose.  Illinois might be tough, Wisconsin possibly, and don't dscount Michigan; a rivalry game is always a challenge even in a year like this.  However, OSU is clearly the class of the Big Ten and should win the conference outright for a record setting third strait time.

    However, why does everyone hate the Buckeyes?  Just because they lost on the big stage twice doesn't mean they didn't deserve to be there.  True, last year a few other teams would have made a good show in the NC as well.  When you're looking at top 5 teams -even tp 20 teams - anyone can win on any given day.  Why should OSU be thought of as failures when they have actually accomplished more in those past two years than anyone else?  Of course it's difficult to beat teams like Florida and LSU; and there are loads of teams that have lost at least two strait bowl games (and to weaker opponents).

    Sadly though, I don't believe that a majority of people want to see OSU in the NC again eventhough this is the year of the past three that they have the absolute best claim to it.

    Can they go undefeated?  Definitely.  Do they have legitimate Heisman contenders?  Of course.  If they go undefeated do they deserve another shot at the NC?  Absolutely!!  Will voters pass them up despite all of this?  Possible.  Everyone, stop hating this great program; they are a great team and losing a game to a #1 or #2 team doesn't make a team a loser (even if it happens twice).  Third time is a charm; this is the year.  GO BUCKS!!

  18. As a TX fan- I can be a little more objective about their chances.

    First off they are loaded- loaded with juniors and seniors- players who have played in the last 2 nc games. I believe they will BEAT USC. USC has more talent per se but OSU has more experience and they will win that game.

    I think OSU has a great shot at playing again. For all the people who say they have a weak schedule- true the conference isn't as strong as the SEC but they have some tough games against UW, USC, MSU, and the grudge match v UM. Will they play for it all- I say they have a great shot but if they lose just once I think the writers are going to hate on them b/c of the last 2 seasons and maybe not reward them for a good season this year. We'll have to wait to play the season out.  

  19. look ima lsu fan and i hate osu but they got alot of good players like  wells,laurenitites,and jenkins i think the could make the national championship again but will lose again

  20. As an OU fan, I can certainly empathize with Ohio State.  We lose our BCS bowls too.

    That being said, I have never really had a problem with Ohio State being in those title games.  They did what they needed to do to get there, and right or wrong in some minds...the system picked them to go.  A lot of haters out there that say OSU was not deserving.  Well, since there is no playoff, OSU certainly was deserving.  It is their right to make it to the NC and lose.  There is no way to know if Florida and LSU would not have beaten USC or anybody else just as bad as they did OSU.

    I do applaud both USC and OSU for playing each other early in the season.  It is actually more of a risk for OSU, but I still applaud both teams.  It is more of a risk for OSU, because if this happens to be the only game UCS loses...they would still easily be in the Title picture..because they are USC.  If OSU loses, they are most likely out of the title picture.  Not necessarily, but a loss in this game hurts OSU more than it does USC.  Which is not exactly fair, but hey, this is the NCAA.

    While I certainly hope my Sooners make it to a third straight Fiesta Bowl...I will not claim they will.  

    If OSU beats USC..good, go all the way.

    But if USC beats OSU...  I am kinda rooting for a Georgia/USC title game, so we can settle all this SEC/PAC-10 talk.

    Who do I think wins........well, Georgia, of course.

    But if OSU is there against Georgia...after beating USC and everyone else...well, h**l, that is anybody's game.  

  21. LSU, Georgia, Florida basically the entire SEC and USC are just blocking the entrance for Ohio state to get into any National Championship.

  22. i dont realy now

  23. OSU matches up well with many teams in the SEC, but your final score against UGA is a farse, UGA is a more well rounded and complete squad. The bad thing about yahoo answers is that people are already putting these 2 teams in the title game without a down being played. Wishful thinking though.

  24. even though i reside in sec country(mississippi), i believe ohio st will have another strong season and will contend for another national title birth.. they have impact returning starters such as chris wells, hartline, robiskie, laurinitis, jenkins, and boeckman .. they also have the best qb recruit in the country-terrell pryor.. ohio st will benefit from playing in the big ten which lacks behind the pac 10, big 12, and sec in talent.. their true test will come early with a trip to usc in what could determine which teams national title hopes are still alive..

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