
Ok, its been a year now and my legs hurt, any suggestions on what i should do? Only 25

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I have been to the docter and he just says try and stretch them out. This hasnt helped me. They hurt from the top, to the bottom of my ankles. I hate this pain, my legs are too weak but not in the sence that im thin. Im only in my mid 20's and I cant handle this any more. P.S - I am a healthy person and excercise 30 min every day.




  1. Try swimming maybe as your exercise.

  2. a bit more info may be needed as pain can come from anything. But if you are exercising everyday while in pain then the body will not recover from any injuries it has.  

  3. What sort of exercise are you doing?  Would leg strengthening exercises without using weight bearing exercises help?  Things like small weights etc instead of walking/jogging?

    I would guess if the doc hasn't seen any major problems from his knowledge of your medical history, then trying his solution may help.

    Perhaps it is a circulation problem?

  4. Are you having leg cramps? Could try quinine or you could have a low potassium level. It is abnormal for a fit and healthy 20 something to have these kinds of problems, I'd go back to your GP and explain your story again, it could be a circulatory issue. But I am any half decent GP would have rules these simple things out? Are your legs only weak after exercise?

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