
Ok, iv'e been playin 4 about 10 years. people who started playin last year are beating me to jr varsity.....

by  |  earlier

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ive been playing since i was 5 yrs old. way longer than n e one on my team. but now kids that started playing last year are taking my position on the jv spot. most of them are taller, i'll admit that. i'm only 5'3", but my c-team coaches have me playing ds, setter, and spiker. if ne1 has any ideas on how to get my position back, i'd gladly appreciate it.





  1. Just give everything every practice every game. A coach loves to see someone trying their hardest.

  2. Well Im assuming your 15 then... Im only 5'3'' and in junior high I always played setter and front row. obviously that wasnt going to fly in High school. Let your coach know if you dont want to play setter, spiker or ds(not sure what that pos is). Just work on your passing, digs and moving fast to get to positions and take up the back row. Its back rows job to read a hitter and pass to the setter. Well you should know after playing 10 years. It a great position!

  3. i know how hard it is to be short and play vball. i'm 5'4" and i've ALWAYS been a DS or libero. really work on your serve and quick feet. i spent a whole summer just perfecting all my serves (jump, floater, top spin, EVERYTHING) because i'm usually a DS so i always serve. my coaches always trust me when it comes to serving and if it's an important serve, they trust me to take it because they're confident in me. i served 97.2% on my last season. also, footwork and ALWAYS being low helps. if you're fast and you can get to any ball, they'll definitely think more of you. just keep working hard and work on rolls/dives too! and getting off the floor REALLY quickly.

    theres a drill where you lay on the ground and someone slams the ball against the ground, making it bounce back up, and as soon as the ball contacts the floor, you get up as fast as you can, get to the ball and pass to a target.then right where you ended up, you get back on the ground and do it over and over and over. i LOVE that drill.

  4. work on your vertical, a killer jump will help with your height issue. sometimes high school coaches are clueless so make sure you keep playing club and don't let your HS coach get you down. if you want some tips on drills to get your vertical up let me know i am 5'11'' and had a 32'' vertical so you can imagine although i had the height my vertical made me that much of a stronger player. good luck

  5. I would practice harder and if you get the chance beat the coach to school and practice so he can see you he might feel you really got potental.

  6. first of all if they are better than you are then they should be playing over you are. But if you are better than they are then you need to talk to your coaches about it. Even if you are shirt it dosent mean that someone should be playing over you. If you are a hard worker and not a complainer then I can see you getting far in the sport. I suggest that you should pick one postion, and stick with that one postion. I know that you might want to hit but you have to face the fact that you are not that tall and might never be. Liberos are in high demand in college and if you practice just that postion and get good at it you can go many places. But most of all just work hard and always go to your coaches with any questions that you might have.

  7. Focus on one position - setting.  Considering your height and your knowledge of the game - this may be your best fit.  This is the most important position on the floor.  Constantly practice - while at home you can set the ball repeatedly to yourself or off a wall - this will improve your confidence handly the ball.  Show your coach you are serious and committed to improving.

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