
Ok, ladies if i girl says she not into girls do you believe her?

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ok so im just wondering i say im straight.... will this girl i met still give me looks ?

can she just tell that im into girls?

shes F*** hot

but i just cant come out :(

your thoughts?

just wondering what yall think :)




  1. sometimes, by the way they say it (confident or unsure) you can tell. even if they straight there's still ways.

  2. Back in my single days I wouldn't have necessarily believed it if my gaydar was going off big time, but I would have let her be because I didn't have time to chase people around until they wanted to be caught LOL. Of course my single days were over by the time I was 23 so my time in the single zone was short lived LMAO.


  3. lol not all the time. i dont. why? you may ask. lol.

    well because of the g*y dar. hello its like there lol. just reading those"shes so g*y/bi" or "hes so g*y/bi" vibes lol.

    just tell her lol. and ask her to keep it on the dl,cause nobody has to know.

    if i could tell jess from the veronicas was bi or at least into girls before she was making out with that rose dj gal, lol i could tell with average girls.not all of them lol cause they are tricky and my gaydar doesnt always work but some times its just reading those vibes.

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