
Ok, let find our middle ground here.... A vote for McCain?

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is alledged to be a vote continuing Bush.

And a vote for Obama is a vote continuing the Pelosi congress.

Bush has a 35% approval rating while congress is at 9% (not a typo, the lowest in history).

So which are we striving for? 35% or 9%?




  1. No doubt, BO has done nothing and he'll be a puppet for Pelosi.

  2. John McCain...WHAT A GUY!!!

    "Do you know why Chelsea Clinton is so ugly?" he told a handful of big Republican funders. "Because Janet Reno is her father."

    The remark packed into its 15 words several layers of misogyny. It disparaged the looks of Chelsea, then 18 and barely out of high school; it portrayed Reno as a man at a time when she was serving as the first female US attorney general; and it implied that Hillary Clinton was engaged in a L*****n affair while the Monica Lewinsky scandal was blazing. Not bad going, Senator McCain.

    From the following article:

  3. Don't you mean Village idiot?

  4. You look just like Richard Dawkins.

    I'm going to vote for the candidates who DON'T hate America.

    When the most memorable slogan to arise from a campaign is "God d**n America," I don't vote for that candidate.  

  5. A vote for BO is a vote for Oprah and for Pelosi, imagine that pair running Washington!

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