
Ok, like I'm weirdin out.?

by  |  earlier

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I was at my boyfriends house today and this lady came over there and she had like scabs over her face she didn't touch me or nothing but it has been weirding me out since! I'm 22 weeks pregnant.




  1. I understand how you feel, I get creeped out and nervous when people with possibly contagious conditions get near me.  It's not that I have a problem with people who are different, like the other guy said, it's just that I am a germ freak and don't want to catch what they have!

  2. And this has to do with pregnancy how?

  3. She's probably a heavy crystal meth user.  If she offers you some don't use it.  It will be bad for you and your baby.

  4. she may have a skin problem, could be scabies also ive known of this girl who was on a drug (ice) that did that to her. could be anything though.

  5. so......she didnt infect you or you unborn baby so theres really nothing to worry about.

  6. great question! Your doomed!! jkjk

  7. I would trust that if she had something contageous, she would not be out in public. Also, very brief air-only contact rarely results in transmission of a disease serious enough to harm your baby.

    If you're still really concerned, see your doctor. Even your general practitioner may be able to answer questions about what you saw and may have a general idea what was going on with scab-lady.

    Just keep an eye out for your own health and be aware if you start to feel ill at all. Not hypervigilant, just aware.

    Many pregnant women freak out over nothing, but it's always best to be proactive for your health and the health of your baby.

  8. you're freaking out for no reason. You're not going to get whatever she has, she didn't even touch you.

  9. She could just have a skin disease that she can't help, not everything can be treated and it doesn't mean because you were near her you will catch it. To think that it's pretty narrow minded, if she was infectious I doubt she would be near people. I also doubt a 50 year old would be on crystal meth like the other users are  saying

  10. And how may we help you?

    I'm sorry, but there's no question to answer in your statement.

  11. And your question is?

  12. Hmmm...airborne stuff that causes scabs on the face...can't think of a thing! I don't think you need to worry.

    Scabs on face could be from herpes, gotta touch em.

    Impentigo...gotta touch that, too.

    Meth...gotta take that.

    Eczema...can't catch that--immunological.

    Contact dermatitis...same, immunological.

    HIV or other immuno-suppressed lesions...gotta come in contact with bodily fluid, for HIV, but if she was a radiation patient--you can't catch that either.

    Chicken know what those look like.

    Talk to your doc, you have nothing to worry about.

  13. umm okay

  14. Those scabs could be from the use of crystal meth, cocaine  and other drugs too, when the body has consumed too much of them it starts to secrete the drugs out through the skin making the person scratch and eat the scabs to consume more of the drugs. If this is the case you have nothing to worry about, that is in no way contagious even with contact.

  15. OMG!! i don't think that's a question but it's definitely creepy.

  16. whats the problem?

  17. Okay... so what is your question? Or did you just want to tell random people that?

  18. um was it a rash or scrapes, there is no need to worry...starange thing to worry about

  19. Looks like you have problems with people who are physically different.

    You're just the worst kid of person.  -.-

    btw, you didn't have a question.

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