
Ok, so I asked what may be wrong with my daughter and plenty ppl said maybe it's her diet so any ideas?

by  |  earlier

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To sum it up for the ppl who didn't read my question, I basically said she was hyper. So, many ppl said maybe it's her diets. What are some good diets for a hyperactive child. I'm very new at this hyper thing so please don't criticize me.




  1. First of all cut out sugary foods...things like chocolate, lollies, icecream, coke etc.

    Feed her wholegrain foods, so wholemeal bread instead of white bread.

    Remove foods with artifical colours and flavours.

    Give her a natural diet...plenty of fresh fruit and veggies.

    You may need to do an elimination diet. Wheat and dairy are the most common foods that cause allergic reactions or intollerances but there are others that are less common like oranges, soy, nuts, beef etc. I strongly suggest seeing a fully qualified naturopath to help with this because it can be quite tricky.

  2. very simply read the labels and cut out any refined sugar. Simple rule is if you don't make it yourself its probably not the best for her for example Apple sauce most of your affordable easily available brands are chalk for of preservatives and added refined sugars. where as if you just made it yourself you most likely wouldn't add anything except a little cinnamon. Think simple and fresh start with this and see if it helps.

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