
Ok, so I have this friend..........?

by  |  earlier

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I told her I am loving this "yahoo answers" and she had a question for everyone.

She was married for 19 years and has two daughters to this man. They have been legally seperated for 9 years now. Her husband refuses to sign the divorce papers. She doesn't have the time, money or energy to fight him. So she messes with his passwords on everything from his yahoo to facebook. He actually calls her up and complains to her that his new girlfriend won't leave his online passwords alone. Too evil of her or stupid of him?




  1. dont let that get in the way of your life!!!!!

  2. Immature of her.  If she has the time and energy to mess up his passwords and harass him, she should get the time and energy to get him to sign the divorce papers.

  3. She's an idiot and so is he, but it's kinda funny. She should stop doing it though. Be creative and help her come up with other passive aggressive means of messing with him if she's really intent on it.

  4. They're made for each other.

  5. Why doesn't she consult an attorney about the laws in her state to see if she can get divorced without her husband signing the paperwork?  A friend of mine was separated for her husband for 8 years and he always refused to sign.  Because they'd been separated for so long and she had absolutely no intention of going back, she was able to get divorced without him signing any paperwork.  It might be possible for your friend.

  6. Stupid of them both.

  7. Where is the man's dignity?  Why call his wife to complain what his girlfriend is doing?  If he depends on her that much why not be with her?  If he cares so little, why not divorce her and stop calling her for his personal life issues?

  8. If she is old enough to have been married for 18 years, one would assume she would be old enough not to behave in such an immature manner...but apparently immaturity has no age limit.

  9. that is kinda amusing and really petty.  come on now she must be at least 40 by this point.  Just get the d**n papers signed and move on.  If he is with another woman he should cut ties with his former wife.  what is the point of baing married to her if he refuses to be with her.

  10. Shes acting like a 12 year old, she needs to grow up

    I could see why he doesn't want to be with her, he should sign the papers and make it legal

  11. I am just curious...why won't he sign the papers if he has a new girlfriend??? It seems to me that no matter how much time and energy I had to expend to get someone out of my would be well worth the cost. She should try a different tack with him...find some common ground and try to make him understand that you can't make someone love you if they no longer do.... stop messing with his passwords   who cares about those small petty things   life is too short

  12. what she should do is put pics of him on a g*y website! if he refuses to sign the papers he deserves revenge. he is just stupid for complainig to her and to not realise it is her doing it

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