
Ok, so about ankle braces...?

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im thirteen, and will be playing high school volleyball next year. What is the purpose of an ankle brace, and do i need one? i heard your ankle can get really dependent on them, and im a setter, but i can block, and i jump and dive a LOT. so, what are they for and do i need one? thanks a ton.. :D




  1. I've never had to wear an ankle brace simly because I haven't had any injuries yet.

    Both the setters on my team do usually wear them, but I know one wears them because she had gotten hurt earlier.

  2. I use Active Ankle T2. They are light-weighted, and very flexible... I love them.

    I never liked those stuff before I got injured, which kept me staying off the court for four months before I could really play some entertainment games. You won't know how painful it could be until you are personally in that situation.

    I don't want to jinx anyone saying you could get hurt tomorrow, but chances are that when you jump high to block a hitter, the hitter's foot (sometimes the setter's foot!!) could "accidentally" come under and somehow deliver the most terrible sound in the world. When I heard the "crack" I thought something broken, and my world became upside down... and my foot turned all purple over the night.

    So do yourself a favor if you think you are part of blocking effort in highly competitive volleyball games. Otherwise, or if you are in middle school, you would not need ankle support.

    I heard some people said ankle brace would further weaken your ankles, I also heard knee pads would not be needed if you know how to dive... but watch college volleyball games and make a decision for yourself.

  3. a setter doesn't really need one.

  4. If you're a setter you should be okay.  Alot of the ankle injuries will occur when you jump for a block and land awkwardly or onto another player's foot thus twisting your ankle inwards/outwards.  It hurts a great deal and will keep you off the courts for awhile depending on the level of sprain.  Many people will say that wearing a brace will make you dependent on them, but for me because I've sprained my ankles many times through volleyball and other sports, the brace is an absolute must for prevention.  As long as you don't wear a brace other than when playing volleyball I think you should be okay.  If you're worried about losing ankle strength by wearing a brace, I would do exercises and stretches at the gym that can strengthen your ankle.

  5. you def. need them our senior setter went down in the 3rd round of playoffs twisted her ankle and we lost the game. I would look into active ankle they are expensive but worth every penny!!

  6. Personally, I hate them!  I only wore them when I sprained my ankles.  They are very restrictive when it comes to mobility, and they do nothing but weaken the ankle in the end.

    You build up the strength in your ankles by playing, and allowing them to do their job.  If you put on a support, then what will happen is you will cause your ankles to rely on them, and they will be weak in the end.

    If you are prone to injuries, I would speak to your doctor before playing.  But I sprained both of my ankles at one time or another, and they heal.  I play to this day in very competitive leagues and tournaments all over the state, and I don't wear anything on my ankles.  I want to be able to move and dive.  With them on, I felt very restricted.

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