
Ok, so if you didn't eat for like a week or 2 then you donate blood, what's going to happen to you?

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Ok, so if you didn't eat for like a week or 2 then you donate blood, what's going to happen to you?




  1. probably wouldnt make it 2 whole weeks with absolutely no nutrition intake. but if you somehow did make it, you would most definitely pass out... blood pressure would drop due to lack of blood sugar and whatever else food provides to our bodies.  

  2. You really shouldn't go that long without eating. Your body is going to really weak and is going to be struggling as it is.

    When you donate blood they usually take a pint. If you're weak already, losing an eighth of your blood is only going to make you even weaker. That's why they suggest eating and drinking plenty before and after blood donation.  

  3. you are going to faint.  first of all, they most likely won't let you donate unless you have eaten.  i use to work at a blood donor place and that was one of the questions we asked during srceening and if you hadn't eaten, we made you go out in the lobby and eat something just like they tell you to go eat after you donate blood.

  4. There is a good change you are going to pass out or get very very sick. Well I am assuming this is you, anyway your blood sugar is probably very very low right now, eatttttttt. Also who knows what the quality of your blood is, the blood bank may not even want it. Again, pleaaase eat.

  5. Ahhh, first off, not eating for a week or 2 is NEVER a good idea! If you're trying to lose weight smaller balanced meals are much better. If you donate blood I really don't think you would feel to well afterward. People who are eating normally can feel faint, and need the juice and cookies they usually give you. Don't be surprised if you do it and you pass out. Your body will have to replace all the blood you donated, and you will not have given it anything to work with. So start eating better, and then you can donate blood.

  6. you wont die !!! lol but u;; have less blood which means less oxygen less energy and get tired quickly !!

    u might go to a hospital (lol)

    plzzz dont do it its bad :p

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