so i've got a 5month old female leopard gecko and ive got her viv at a higher temp now (around 80 at night) but shes never really been interested in any foods, and i've tried everything, crickets,wax worms, meal worms, but obviously i need something that is going to be nutritionally balanced for her,i always give her calcium and vitamins, fresh water, she is on paper towels as a substrate and is generally not disturbed (handled say 3/4(max)times a week only for about 3/4mins).i saw about the powder meal replacements but dont really see how she will eat those because generally, she is too lazy to chase the crickets and will wait until they come close, and now since eating worms refuses the crickets and only eats the worms if placed infront of her, she wants them, and they far as im aware shes in good health,shedding well,drinking,going the loo every day active at night, so im not sure, just fussy? any info would be great, thank you all!