
Ok, so we're all going to die with global warming if we can't save ourselves...How?

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Ok, so we're all going to die with global warming if we can't save ourselves...How?




  1. Sarina- we'll probbably get killed by giant flying monkeys before global warming kills us.

  2. how... what? we need immediate action if thats what we mean.

  3. Don't listen to the people who say global warming isnt true.. they are just dumb and selfish. they dont think about what could happen in the long run.

    anyway i just recently got myself into global warming, i def recommend that you read "An inconveinent truth" by Al Gore, it looks long but it has a ton of pictures i read it in like 3 days.

    the level of CO2 going into the air bcus of us humans is the main cause of it. we release this gas into the air, by our cars, computers, knocking down trees you name it. There is just a ton of things that we do thats causing the gases to move in the air and melt ice caps [that make the water level higher] and heat the earth. and i dont know where you live but the united stated is i think 30% the cause of this! europe is lik 27% or something and australia about the same size as the US is only 1% wow yeah but even soo we should all help and do whatever we can to stop this crisis

    there are many things you can do to help. very simple things include, not leaving your computer on, dont leave the refrigerator open too long, dont use your car when you could just walk or car pull somewhere, etc. stop polluting the earth is a big one! but seriously look into reading that book, it will change your views on everything, in a good way, so that you can help make the earth a safer place.

  4. If global warming destroyed the planet in say 200 years.  Then we all going to die naturallly and NOT from global warming.  No one will die from slowly rising sea levels because they will move when the water is less than 4 feet over there feet. Waiting til it gets to 7 feet would drown most people.  Increased catastrophes may kill people though.

    If global cooling destroyed the planet in say 500 years,  We can outrun glaciers pretty easily. See above.

  5. People who read the bible know that an is coming. We just don't know when the end will come. Don't sweat it. Cheer up, keep going to church and enjoy life.

  6. We're not, so don't worry.

  7. The IPCC / media fear fest on global warming and linking it to C02 emissions increasing  is the largest lie of all times.

    For one, plant life and plankton can utilize this trace gas to grow.

    We can harvest the plant life and plankton for food and energy.

    Many scientists disagree with IPCC and some listed in report have asked to have their names removed from report after seeing the full report. See You Tube link.

    The CO2 level from natural sources 440 million years ago were 40 times higher than now. At the same time there was a major ice age going on.  Many items contribute to the climate.  On a global scale, mother earth takes care of things.  For at least a couple million years the earth has supported land based mammalian  life. I lay a wager that for a million more years, the earth will be hospitable.

    Does climate change occur ? Yes.  the word climate is said to derive from the word change so it is redundant.  Can people live through changes ?  Yes. Adapting to  and harvesting the natural resources rationally is helpful.

  8. i nhink global marming will have an effect on us........ i wish people culd save this from happening but no people dont want to people want to polut the air and i just dont like that but yes the global warming will have effect idk if we will die from it.


  9. We're all going to suffocate because of the 0.0037% CO2 caused by mankind. The 3% that's there naturally won't bother us a bit.

    Oh, and AGW will cause global cooling, the crops will fail, and we'll all starve to death. The world's breadbaskets will NOT simply move.

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