
Ok, someone pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeee tell me why these people always say baby daddy or baby momma? ?

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Is it an educational level sort of thing do they just follow the crowd or possibly for some weird reason they think it sounds cool?




  1. It sounds insulting because it is meant to be. To some older people, it is very discouraging to see all of these babies being brought into the world without married parents.

    I know people who have a child together but don't want to get married because they are afraid of the commitment. C'Mon! If you have a baby with a guy, you are gonna have to deal with him for the next 18 years, minimum! I would be a lot more careful of who I had kids with, rather than who I married!

  2. Because in some areas education isn't really great. Or at least that is what it sounds like. some slang just sounds stupid.

  3. because they are not married to their child's father/mother and in my opinion they are being disrespectful.

  4. It's an indication of how far our society has dropped into the gutter because the term is the ghettoization of the reference to the father/mother of a child born out of wedlock.

    It used to be that people were ashamed to have a child outside of marriage but, in the ghetto culture where out-of-wedlock births are more common than those within marriage, I suppose it's accurate.  

  5. i think i speak for everyone here when i say- I HATE IT. it reminds me of the maury show and all the nasty girls that are only on that show to get the free paternity test in order to find out who really is the 'babydaddy'. i think we should be able to punch whoever says that- without consequence. "Judge- she said babydaddy!" and we get off scott-free. we should petition. anyways, it's just trashy slang.  

  6. I most likely have missed something but who are "these" peolple that you are speaking of?

    From the answer's I really can't tell how the saying is used. If the babies are being referred to that to identify the parent I am wondering if you know or don't know is why you are asking?

    If it is to refer to the babies natural parent I always say "Birth father or Birth mother.

    As far as why do people have certain cliches as "You know, You know what I mean, or Mother ******",   I take it as culture, repetitiveness, association, and education has alot of input when it comes to choice of words that are being used.


  7. because that is the title you get when you have no commitment with the father or mother of a child.  

    it is disrespectful and ugly sounding.

  8. it's slang. i hate it, but oh well.

    i don't say it. i know some women who say it whether they are married to the father of their children or not. i don't think it's as much disrespectful as just plan ignorant sounding.

  9. It seems to have become a kind of common vernacular, used in place of saying "that's the man/woman I had a baby with but don't have any kind of relationship with".  I mean, other than that, you'd say, "that's my husband/wife" or "my child's father/mother".  

  10. Immaturity

  11. Most people who refer to their child's biological father/mother as their "baby's daddy/momma" aren't married or possibly aren't even involved with that person anymore.  I agree that its a disrespectful title.  It also sounds "ghetto" if you ask me.  Remember that stupid song from a few years ago?  "That's just my baby's daddy....."  I'm sure that helped the slang term to be more acceptable.

  12. its called no education and class. they go with the crowd. its disrespectful

  13. I have no idea.  To sounds uneducated and trashy.

  14. i think it's because the mom and dad are not married to each other.  I think it sounds silly!  

  15. because they don't know who their baby really belongs too......they need to call Maury!!!!

  16. Because, sadly, they have no relationship with the person other than the fact that they were impregnated by or impregnated that person.

    Rather sleezy in my opinion...for some people it isn't even ex-boyfriend or ex-girlfriend...just someone they had s*x with.

    My husband used to call me his "babie's momma," to irritate his mom!

  17. The first time I heard this saying I was like, what?!!?  Then after that I heard it all the time and just kind of got use to it.  I think it's just a figure of speech.

  18. Well, if the father isn't the husband you want to make it clear that the boyfriend is your babys father.  Or if the boyfriend is NOT the baby's father you want to make it clear that "this" is my baby's daddy but this is my boyfrined.  

  19. People who say this have poor parenting, low values, and low education. The ppl who imitate too much television and think rap is a true It seems that the people who say that-shouldn't be having children-EVER. In fact, I would go as far as to say neutering is a good idea!

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