
Ok, strange. someone I know thinks he is jinxed, things stop working when he touches them, can this happen?

by  |  earlier

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He claims any electrial thing he touches stops working temporarily or in some cases need to be fixed. For example, a light did not turn on no matter how many times he tried , then someone came along and it switched it on right away. The computer he was working on stopped working. Then the one at work was working fine started giving him problems. He had his co worker take it apart and reconnect it and it worked. He claims there are several instances of it happening at home. He is convinced it has something to do with him, though I dont think so. Has anyone had something similar happen to them , or heard about such things happening?




  1. Yes it's possible and it even happens to world famous physicist. See the link below about the Pauli effect.

  2. Odd indeed, but I wonder if your friend isn't just hysterical :-)  Seriously though, there are people who have an understanding of machinery that is puzzling to others.  Some people just have a "Fonzie" touch.  If you remember "Happy Days", Fonzie would just bang on a machine and it would magically start working.  

    I sometimes embellish this with friends and girlfriends who are mechanically, or computer inept.  They'd forget to check wires mostly, but to spare their feelings and look cool I just kinda bang around and tap here and there, and then "abracadabra" it works!

    Maybe this fellow is like a walking electro-magnetic pulse, but scientifically it's improbable.

  3. Sure. Many people have an unusual amount of electrical energy in their bodies.  Your friend must be on the high end of the spectrum. I have a friend who cannot wear a watch that has a battery. I myself can pull the blankets over my head and create a light show of static electricity in colors.

  4. I have had experiences like this....lately, it seems that I can control it a little....

    I would encourage your friend to just be more aware of their internal energy and the external energies around them....

    meditate near a tree and feel it's vibration (energy)....

    open and close his/her chakras....including their hand chakras....

    there are infinite ways to be more aware....and gradually gain more control over this phenomena....

    It doesn't sound like he is "jinxed" per se.... that's another ball of yarn..

  5. All it takes for a jinx or a magic spell to work is for the intended victim to be aware of it.  He will take care of the rest.  Chances are your friend is seeking data to support his claim to being jinxed while disregarding the data that don't.

    My mother thinks she's jinxed with electronic devices, but she's not.  She just doesn't make the effort to understand how they work.

  6. sup party ppl well he is not jinked it just happens find any other way to solve like that guy above me said may with some jewelry i dunno, any ways if someone jinxed him just go and apollogize with him, even though i dont belive in that its just not goos at all having someone wishing you bad stuff.

  7. yes it can..

  8. He is probably generating an EM(Electro Magnetic) field that disrupts electronics.

  9. oh yeah, it used to happen to me a lot in high school a couple years ago. everywhere I'd go, lights and computers would flicker and die.. There's a point where you realize that it's happening too much everywhere for it to be a coincidence.. Can't prove it scientifically, just the experience is my own evidence.. Luckily it went mostly away!

  10. He is Jinxed but it can't last for ever,sounds like it's electrical in nature, try wearing jewelery to maybe effect the body's electric field,just a scifi thing to do,can't hurt.

    Good Luck

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