
Ok, this canada greyhound beheading has totally made me think about a lot of things!

by  |  earlier

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1- deep down, humans are savages that can do math and wear clothes

2- I'm never riding a Greyhound bus ever again

3- I'm never, ever falling asleep on ANY kind of a bus again. ( I still have to ride them, sadly.)

4- Canada should consider instating the death penalty for sick b******s like this (the killer).

5 - The way Greyhound operates needs some revision.




  1. Don't lose perspective here - this was ONE murder committed by a deranged madman. Millions of people ride buses every day without incident, why do you think it's remotely likely this could happen to you?

    "The way Greyhound operates needs some revision" - how exactly could this be seen as Greyhound's fault? Do they have signs on their buses saying "Knife wielding killers welcome"? No amount of revision is going to stop a maniac getting on board a bus and killing someone.

    "Canada should consider instating the death penalty for sick b******s like this"...

    ...yeah, because Canada has such a high murder rate compared to countries that do have the death penalty, such as the USA:

    Canada: 1.9 murders per 100,000 people (2006)

    USA: 5.7 murders per 100,000 people (2006)

  2. Actually, it reflects on the mettle of Canadians. Imagine 37 people running away in terror from a man with a knife and blocking him in the bus with a crowbar ? Why not use the crowbar to disarm and stop the killer ? Oops, forgot, happened in Canada.

  3. I agree with your first statement.  However, I do not think that staying off Greyhound buses or public transportation vehicles of any kind is going to make you any safer.  People should not consider themselves as totally safe in public places.  I think they should have some sort of contingency plan in mind for when unplanned events such as this killing occur.  For example, even a container of mace sprayed in the perpetrator's face might, under some circumstances, have made a difference.  I seems like the victim may have been almost dead by the time anybody even heard any kind of unusual noise.  As for your statement number 3, it appears that the victim was awake at the time he was stabbed, as he had been sending text messages to his ex-girlfriend, and the last once arrived about ten minutes before the victim's death.  I am not sure whether reinstating the death penalty in Canada is going to make any difference for the better, especially if some atttacks are not premeditated.  I think Canada needs to do a thorough investigation of the factors behind the killing and be totally honest with the public in its reporting of them.  The offices and media involved in accounting to the public should not withhold any information.  It is hard for me to comment on how Greyhound operates.  I know it is possible to travel almost anywhere within someone's own country by Greyhound without producing identification.  It is hard to say whether it would make any difference if it was a requirement.  Keeping a manifest of passengers does not stop planes from blowing up from attacks with explosives.  I think that accountablility to the public is the most important consideration at this point as far as this horror event is concerned.

  4. "deep down, humans are savages that can do math and wear clothes"

    My sentiments, exactly!

  5. After I read this I was mortified.  I started thinking; "Dang, I can't even sit or stand next to someone without putting my guard up because you just don't know who that person is."  I bet anybody money that he gets of because of insanity and doesn't get to rot in jail or put to death but he gets to sit in a white room!  Pathetic.  Like I've always said if someone is guilty of a crime and there isn't a doubt of guilty (like this case where the guy was captured in the same spot) then the family of the victim should be allowed to do whatever they want with this man - Torture his azz!!!  

  6. 1. Partially True. Not all but some absolutely.

    2. Ridiculous, you have to keep moving forward. What are you going to do Not ride public transportations period? Not walk down a street. This type of thing could happen anywhere, anytime.


    4.Death Penalty doesn't deter anything. The right to keep and bear arms does. If someone on this bus was packing, thie victim, RIP, would have had a chance.

    5. Difficult but should certainly be investigated.

    This has been bothering me since i heard the story. I feel so bad for the victim, and his family and friends. Im also angry that the police didnt take this menace to society down at the site. Now it will cost the taxpayers money to house him in jail, Try him, and if he goes to prison, more cost. IF he goes into a mental institution that would be even worse. Exterminate the b*****d.

    Nuff Said.

    Once again my condolences to the family and friend of the victim. May he RIP.

  7. I don't want this guy to get a death penalty only because I'd rather he'd suffer in prison for the rest of his life. Unfortunately, he's only been charged with second-degree murder so far which is only like 18 years.

    What he did is so horrible and scary, I keep thinking about it. I feel so sorry for the victim, he was caught off-guard being asleep and all. My condolences go out to his family and friends as well as the witnesses.

    Stabbing is one thing, but honestly - beheading the guy and displaying it through the window is just beyond me. It's disgusting what he did to the body.

    I certainly agree with you on the part of never falling asleep on a bus again. I won't stop going on Greyhound buses simply because this is a rare case and further protection may be established. I will definitely watch who I sit next to though.

    RIP Tim.

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